
Monday, June 16, 2014

A note about, and from, Jake.

My place in time #18
A handwritten note from someone I love

Saturday night we went out for tea at our local community club. Brett's brother was over from the Eyre Peninsula and we were catching up. We had a great night.

I wasn't a late night, but late enough. Especially as we had a late one the night before at an Indian potluck dinner. I left so full from that, all the food was delicious. I woke up full the next morning!

While we were out at the club, Jake dropped in and left a message for me. He had brought some of Mum's lasagna with him and left it with the note on the bench.

He's been living at Mum's for the last couple of weeks after a relationship breakup.  There was a lot more involved which I won't go into here.

It doesn't matter how old you kids get, you still worry, still hurt when they hurt. I am so glad to he is much better than the state he was in when he came back two weeks ago. Physically and mentally.

My boy has aspergers. He doesn't communicate his feelings very well. They get bottled up and usually come out as anger eventually, out of frustration or anxiety.

What I would like to add here is trust your intuition as a mother. If you suspect something is wrong, something isn't as it should be, you are probably right. Don't procrastinate, act on it. I have so much guilt where Jake is concerned. There are so many times I should have yelled louder, stood firmer and stuck up for him. I am so grateful that I still get huge hugs, and hear 'I love you Mum' come from his lips. 

I am taking him to pick up the rest of his stuff today. I am feeling nervous about it, for both of us, and I am praying it all goes smoothly. I am not looking forward to it, it is going to be hard, and awkward. But has to be done.

I will be most likely be requiring wine tomorrow afternoon at around wine-thirty or before!


  1. Good luck - it will be hard. And lock your door!!!

  2. Thinking of you and Jake today. I love how he told you to log off facebook!!

  3. Good luck today Alicia. Great that you can be there for him :)

  4. Good luck Alicia. And thank you so much for reminding me to follow my intuition. Some behaviour of Elliott's has been worrying me and this morning we had another episode that has really upset me and I'm now wanting to look for answers. x

  5. I didn't know you had a son too! How old is he?
    Thanks for hosting..have a great week :)

    1. Have a great week too Paula. Thanks for coming to join in xx
      My first born, Jake, is 22 in November! I have all November babies, all three of them have birthdays in the same week!

  6. Totally agree with your statement to trust yourself. We don't do it enough as mothers. xS

  7. Such an important message hun, it's so important to trust ourselves as mums. Sending strength to you and Jake to get through this bump in the road x

  8. Thanks for sharing ... I love that Jake is caring for you as well.

  9. I'm sure that being a mum to a grown up child is almost harder as we can't really have any say in their life, a tricky one. And it's always winethirty here!!! Thinking of you and Jake today :)

  10. They are more work as they grow aren't they. All the best on this occasion. Apologies for the link and run this morning too - I always do it the minute I get out of bed before everyone else grabs me - you know I will always return though :) xx

    1. Oh I know how the link and run goes Jody. It actually went better than I had expected/anticipated.

  11. I've got three gorgeous girls 13, 14 & just turned 16. For the most part parenting has been a relative breeze and I have three really easy girls but I must admit it's not easy. We are moving into the hormonal teenage phase and compared to most I still think I have it easy. Regardless though, I'm always feeling guilty about one thing or another and at the moment I seemed to be missing the mark on so many levels. We had an incident with my eldest just recently which has made me take stock and rethink my parenting once again. I'm sure even when they are adults and living their own life, I will continue to worry.


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