
Monday, June 9, 2014

A family weekend

I am ever so grateful for my family. 

It has been a family orientated weekend and it couldn't have come at a better time.

It was Mum's birthday yesterday. My little sister came over from Gippsland with her family, a surprise for Mum. 

Earlier in the week my son come to stay at his Nannas. Lets just say he needed to be around family.

Saturday night we had a pizza night at Mum's house. We gathered and stuffed ourselves silly, told stories that has us all in fits of laughter and I can't say anyone left without feeling happier than when we began.

I cherish these times. I am ever so thankful my girls will have these memories to look back on. The family all eating and laughing together. The time with their cousins. I wonder how life could be any better. 

Little sister couldn't resist but to cook one of Dad's chorizos near the coals

Not everyones cup of tea, but the roast pigeon with green sauce was amazeballs. 

Izzy and Summer playing with their cousins. Having a ball making tents and
jumping on the bed in Nannas spare room.
Do you get together as a family often?
How do your gatherings go?
Do you always leave happier than you arrived?


  1. When we were growing up the most we did as a family was having Christmas day with everyone together. We spent most of our time at babysitters or at our grandparents (without our parents) because mum and dad owned their own business. That and the fact that dad died when I was only 10 has made me very determined to have a strong family life with my own children. We do a lot with my sister in law and my daughter and hers are only 7 months apart so hopefully they will grow up together being great friends.

    1. So important to keep close to family. Nights like this are just awesome.

  2. I am totally jealous of that oven - so fab to have one in your backyard!!

    1. This one is in my parents backyard. They had a bigger one in our backyard as kids and mum would bake our bread in it.

  3. Oh what a lovely weekend! I would totally love a pizza oven! :-) xx

  4. What lovely pictures! I feel as if I am there! My family is very scattered and not close at all and I don't have a problem with that. I have my own large family and I am raising them to be close (I hope!) and dream about a future where we can get together in settings such as these. (Although I'd love to take my sweet-time getting there as I love my kids young!)

    1. You do have your own big family. I have two brothers and two sisters. When yours get older I am sure family get togethers will be awesome xx

  5. That looks like so much fun! We don't do it often with our family as one of my sisters lives in the USA with her family and another sister doesn't live so close. My husband isn't as close to his brother as I'd like so that doesn't really happen either. It's such a shame really because my son doesn't really have any cousins his age to spend time with, they live in the USA!

  6. I would love a pizza oven and to be able to experiment with toppings and host pizza nights with family and friends. I might need to add this to my wish list and do something about it soon.

    I've linked up both my blogs. I've included the link for my Worth Casing blog of the month link up on Agent Mystery Case. Would love if you could enter your favourite blog posts for June. :)

    1. Pizza nights at mums are epic. Everyone wants to come.
      She does a mean strawberry and mascarpone pizza for dessert, we all leave so full!
      Thanks for linking up. I will do my best to add something for June xx

  7. I have such fond memories of such family gatherings as a child. It is one of my parenting disappointments that I haven't been able to replicate them. But, I sooth myself with the fact that there is still time. And, whilst my memory tells me that family gatherings occurred on a weekly basis, in fact there were only a couple over my entire childhood.

  8. My family always has a good time when we get together. I can act like my goofy self and have no worries about it lol.

    Thanks for hosting :)

    1. Isn't that just it. A place where you are loved and accepted for you. Not to mention great company and great food(mums cooking!).

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend full of love :)

  10. I am a little late to the party...busy day yesterday. Love that pizza oven Alicia...what a great way to spend time with family xx

  11. As my parents age I start to realise that I need to make the most of our catch ups - looks like a awesome get together!

  12. Awww the pic of the feet and the beer bottles reminds me of parties we had in the shed at the homestead where hubby grew up - we also had our wedding reception there! Family really is the most important thing in life xx

  13. How wonderful! With my family so far away I miss those catch ups desperately :(((

  14. I am a little over both sides of our families at the moment. I wish I had a family like yours!!
    I really love the saying you can choose your friends!!


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