
Sunday, June 29, 2014

International Mud Day - Radiant review and giveaway

Today, the 29th of June, is Mud Day. International Mud Day.

Mud day is an initiative to get kids out in nature, to get messy and extremely grubby. It started with a collaboration of the Bold Park primary school in Western Australia and the Panckhal orphanage in Nepal.

Izzy's kindy is celebrating ALL week. We've been told to send spare clothes, old clothes. Rubber boots too, which is a given I suppose. It's enough to give a clean freak heart palpitations. I'm no clean freak, but I am still not looking forward to the state Izzy, and her clothes will come home in. Thankfully she only has two full days next week, and thankfully, I have Radiant Colour Guard in my laundry cabinet.

Take a look at this real Radiant Return test featuring two blokes getting messy, and proof that Radiant keeps your clothes newer and brighter for longer. The videos are quite amusing, have a look at the individual tests while you are there, if you have the time! You can find  #radiantreturn on Facebook.

I was shocked at how Radiant really brightens the colours in the wash. It was like our clothes had found a new lease of life when I took them out of the machine. The smell that permeated out of the machine was awesome too.

In the theme of Mud Day I did my own experiment. I found a patch of mud and splodged this t-shirt right onto it. I left it for 30 minutes, rinsed off the mud and then chucked it in with a load of washing. As you can see, it came out squeaky clean and bright.

I have bought Radiant before, and been impressed with the results. It does cost a bit more than other brands, but is worth the money. I was excited to see it half price at Woolies, which is when I usually buy it!

I was sent Radiant Sensitive to try. It's formula is dermatologically tested, hypoallergenic and gentle of sensitive skin.

Radiant comes in two other varieties, Brilliant Whites Sharper Colours and No-Sort. All contain Colour Guard technology which is how Radiant keeps your colours newer for longer. You can check out Radiant Return website for more information.

Thanks to Radiant, I have a $50 Big W voucher to giveaway to one of you. All you need do, to be eligible, is leave a comment, answering this question. Which variety of Radiant would you most likely need in your laundry and why?

Terms and Conditions

  1. Prize is 1 x $50 Big W voucher awarded to one chosen winner.
  2. Giveaway runs from 6 am, 29th June 2014 until 6 pm, 6 July 2014.
  3. Competition is open to Australian residents only, 18 years and over.
  4. Winner will be judged on their skillful answer to the question. Chance plays no part.
  5. The winner will be emailed. If no reply has been made to that email in 3 days, another winner will be chosen.
  6. The prize is not negotiable.


  1. I love the idea of a mud day/ mud week! It sounds so much fun. I'd probably use 'No Sort' as there are only 2 in our household at the moment meaning unless I leave the washing for a long time I often don't really have enough to sort it and do two loads, one darks one lights.

  2. No sort - who can be bother doing 2 half loads??

  3. That would def have to be the 'no sort' variety. With two toddlers and all their mess appearing on my pants and tees, as well as hubbies work shirts, how awesome that I would be able to just chuck it all in one big wash...all dramas with squeaky clean results. Not to forget the washing would smell nice too...

  4. No Sort would be the way for a family of 8. Our wash tubs are always full as soon as I turn my back. No amount of sorting ever solves my impatience for the never-ending task. Does the product also come with an assistant?

  5. I would buy the Sensitive as most of us in my house have skin and sensory issues and sensitive ones are generally better on this. I would buy more clothes, if I won this voucher, so I would need something to wash them with!

  6. I could use the sharper colours; most of my clothes are old and could do with some help in the greying/colour area!!

  7. No Sort…. Wow I honestly haven't heard of it I'm a bit of a stingy laundry detergent variety buyer!

  8. Absolutely no sort because I would love to see if it made a difference in my washing as I don't sort and never will!!

  9. Way too many chemicals in most things these days in what we eat and in our environment - Sensitive would be the perfect choice!

  10. Oh my gawd that's fugging hilarious! That fish and the rubbish bin - no way! I actually use Radiant for my HE top loader because I was told it was the best for my machine. I always buy 3 lots when it's half price at woollies, like THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for linking :) xx
    Oh and I would use the non-sort one as I'm too lazy to sort washing

  11. Definitely the 'No Sort' for my colour blind hubby. Just shove the clothes all in no matter what colour or how grubby. How happy I'd be if with the washing he'd help me. You never know he may just get lucky ;)

  12. I'd use the sensitive variety. My 4 year old suffers from excema. What can I say, he's a sensitive new age guy :)

  13. I'd definitely need the 'no sort' variety. I don't think I've ever really sorted clothes into specific colours unless I know the colours run or they're new clothes that haven't been washed yet. Not having to sort would save so much of my time, water and energy costs!

  14. Domestic training starts early in my house!... My children are learning to use the washing machine themselves when they bring their baskets down. 'Radiant NO-SORT' simplifies that! Sorting can come later...

  15. I am so impressed with your experiment I would use the same as you - Sensitive Radiant - especially as it appears tough on dirt but free from harmful dyes and uses a low allergen fragrance. This is so important to me because I am trying to lower the chemical sensitivities we have in our household and fragrance is part of that as well as being sensitive on the skin.

  16. Let me indulge you in this short rhyme
    I’ll take you back to once upon a time
    A mother bought school socks, whiter than white
    They looked so clean, so crisp, so bright
    But after a few wears, the socks gathered dirt
    And mother, she scrubbed and scrubbed til it hurt
    But try as she might, the socks stayed black
    She knew in her heart there was no going back
    She’s tried liquids, and powders, even laundry soap
    Maybe RADIANT Brilliant Whites Sharper Colours will revive them and give mother hope!


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