
Monday, June 30, 2014

The feeling of being caged

I am feeling right now like a caged animal. 



It's been windy, wet and freezing cold of late. 

Being indoors most of the time is already doing all of our heads in. The kids are getting cagey. They pick on each other, and all our tempers are short. 

But that is only half of the problem. I don't get any time out of this house on my own. Pursuing my own interests. It is taking it's toll and it needs to change. But I can't see how. 

I've been teary, frustrated, angry. There's the need to get out, to break these chains. To fly.

I want to take more photos for the 'My place in time' project. I can't go too far, I have bald tyres on the back of my car. With the wet roads, it's dangerous. 

Then there's petrol money. It's all just a bit depressing.

I'm going to be selfish this week, I don't care how much it's going to cost. I don't care what Brett has to say about it. I'm off to get new tyres today, and get us all out of the house. I have to. I cannot stay bound by these walls for another day, it is not doing me any good at all.

Tomorrow, while Izzy is at kindy, Summer and I are going to Coonawarra. The other red centre of Australia. Red wine that is. There's things happening there and I want in. 
A wine tasting(not too much), some chocolate and photos of vines. 

Although the beaches have been getting a hammering with the high seas, I want to go see it for myself. The seaside always washes my cares away. So a visit to the coast is on the cards this week too. More photos. 

Sometimes I feel like I'm just being a total sad sack. Like I should just suck it up and get on with it. I know I can't stay at home feeling stuck. Time to do things on my own isn't going to happen any time soon, so I have to them with kids in tow or not do them at all, and that is not an option. I have to DO. I feel strongly about doing.

Do you ever feel your wings have been clipped? What do you do about it?

I am just being a sad sack, aren't I?!

Have you entered my $50 Big W voucher giveaway? Please do.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. Hang in there!!
    Last week I missed ou on going out for dinner not only as speedy was having a bad week and spent 2 nights partaying but because hub was home late not that I can say anything about that as he worked some ridiculous amount of hours last week and the week before. I felt way too guilty at the thought of leaving him with a cranky baby even though I should be allowed out of the house for 5 minutes sometimes. End rant!!

  2. It's amazing how quickly your mood can change when stuck at home...

  3. It's all in your mindset isn't it? Sometimes I adore being home and at other times, I feel so desperate to escape.

    1. I needed some time away, not necessarily away from the kids, just out of the house. Some time away from the house occupants wouldn't go astray though :)

  4. No Alicia, you are definitely not a sad sack. I feel there a lot of people feeling a bit like this these days. Perhaps it's winter... I think the best way to beat this feeling is exactly what you are doing, trying to leave the house for a while and go somewhere, even if it's not too far, just breaking the routine.

    1. I think you are absolutely right with breaking the routine and changing the scenery :)

  5. You are absolutely not being selfish ... to be a good mum and wife/partner you NEED to get out of the house or you will go insane. Yes, I totally know how you feel. Not at the moment, but in the past when I was stilll with my partner and he did everything possible to ensure I couldn't leave the house. Every single person needs to get out in the frsh air and have a change of scenery and company. We neglect our mental health if you don't do that. You are not being a sad sack. Not at all. Looking forward to seeing your photos sometime soon! xx

    1. I can see I have been neglecting my mental health, I feel that totally! It's not good for the other people in the family either. I feel much better after a couple days out of the house.

  6. ALL THE TIME! In fact right now I want to escape my play fighting boys and just sit outside in the cold to get away from them, the house etc. I'm proud of you, that you're off to get tyres and go have some you time. Blow out those cobwebs girl! Thanks for linking :)

  7. You aren't a sad sack! There is something about the not having an option but to stay at home that can drive one mad. Good on you for taking charge sometimes we just need to do "Me" stuff and not worry about it. It is not being 'selfish'!

  8. I know this feeling all too well and I don't think you are been a sad sack. It is hard work been a mum, caring for everyone, doing everything and then to top it off not having your own "life". I used to feel the same and used to resent my husband as he would go surfing on weekends for a couple of hours each day and I would never have a hobby or anything to do. I have changed my mind se, set some goals and strive to do things for me. I am lucky my husband is happy for me to do this. Now I am pregnant again and due in three months I know this feeling will come back with a little baby and a 1 year old but I know I will get out of it eventually. My 1 year old is getting all crazy from playing indoors all the time and it is driving us both insane and my body is killing me so I have to find more ways to keep us both happy. Hope you feel more free soon :) Maria. x

  9. I don't think you are being a sad sack either!! With it being summer here I so want to sit out in the yard but the bugs get the baby, and I so want to go to the ocean, but that'll be difficult with the baby. And I could go on and on, but this is only a moment in time that will soon pass...just remember that :)

  10. The cold is really great incentive not to get out and about! We are braving that today. Hope you had a great trip to the Coonawarra. We'd love to get there one day,as we have toured most of the other SA wine regions already!

    1. There are so many cellar doors so close to each other, and the quaint little town of Penola right next to it. It is great. Not to mention, awesome seaside towns not far away ;)

  11. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to come back and comment and visit the other lovely linkers yesterday, it was preschool day for the toddler and we had a rare day with only child so we made the most of it!

    I know exactly how you feel. I get to this point every few weeks to a month, and I finaly just have to say that's it, and I don't ask, I tell Dave that I am leaving the house and will be back in a couple of hours. If I don't do it, especially before he is back at work the next week, then I know I will be a horrible Mummy and wife. It's essential for my state of mind to have a few hours to myself, without it I would go mad I think. So I totally feel you pain and can identify with the caged feeling. I hope you get a chance for a few hours to yourself very soon, you definitely deserve it xx

  12. I've been there, felt that. Don't apologise for doing a few thing for your self. the whole family will benefit. Enjoy a glass of wine for me x

    1. I just had a 5 wine tastings with chocolate pairings. Probably not even a whole glass worth. Did buy a bottle though ha ha. Enjoying some now. I will have one for you. Hope you're well xx

  13. You are allowed to sad sack is completely normal to want some freedom every now and then. The wet weather can always bring us down, but I know you will get back up again! :)

  14. I think everyone goes through feeling like that, well I hope so or i'm on my own. Money tightness is a problem here often which restricts. The good thing is there are rainbows after rain so get those thread, get out of the house and you'll feel your happiness coming back. Enjoy photo taking and I hope the weather improves. Feel better soon.

  15. I had a pretty good day today Anne, and I am feeling better. Thanks :)


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