
Friday, June 27, 2014

Orange, coconut and cardamom biscuits

Occasionally, well often, the biscuit barrel is bare. If it happens before our next big shopping day, we bake.

The last time it happened we made chocolate biscuits, and used up the cocoa. I must buy more.

I looked for what we had, and that was three oranges in the fruit bowl. I could use the zest. I looked for an easy recipe, I always look for the easiest recipe. I found one and decided to add some extras I had in the pantry.

I like these biscuits. I like that Izzy can help by rolling the dough in balls herself, even though at least three or four biscuits worth of dough go missing in her mouth. But isn't that the best bit for kids in the biscuit making process? She would have eaten the lot if I let her.

3/4 cup Self Raising Flour
100 gr butter or marg
1/4 cup caster sugar
zest of an orange
1/4 cup dessicated coconut
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom 

Preheat oven to 180C.

Place all ingredients in a bowl.
Rub together with your fingers and form into a soft dough.
Roll into small balls, you should have about 24.
Place on a greased baking tray and lightly press with a fork.

Bake at 180C for 10 minutes.

Flogging this recipe at With some grace

Create Bake Make


  1. Oh yum!! Scrumptious flavours. I've never tried cardamon in a bikkie. Biscuits are my weakness... getting onto making this recipe asap! I love trying new flavours. x Thanks for linking up hun!

  2. These are so going on my list for school holiday baking!! I have some left over oranges too and the kids eat me out of house and home during the holiday xxx

  3. Yum! They sound really good. I've been looking for some new ideas for holiday baking. I always love citrus flavours in cookies.

  4. I love when I come across recipes that I have never even thought about making, but are just absolutely brilliant!! These cookies would be incredible! I can't wait to try them. Thank you so much for linking up with our Fabulous Foodie Fridays party and sharing your foodie love around! xx

  5. I've only made biscuits once and they were a bit of a fail, but these look really easy and delicious. The flavours sound great. Visiting via With Some Grace for FYBF :)

  6. Thank you they look delicious hope to give them a go this weekend. I like how I don't need to get any equipment out x

  7. I have a bucket of oranges this week that need to be used. Bookmarked to try this one!

  8. Ooooh, cardamon! Never thought to use it with biscuits! Will have to try this one out! And you have a wonderful little helper there :)

  9. Oh yum! I'm going to have to try this.


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