
Friday, June 6, 2014

Dad's hot red wine

I know for shizzle I am so over being sick this week. Sick of us all having a cold. It really does suck. What's worse is, no one gives a shit I am sick. There is no one to look after me! Except me that is. 

I know I still forgot to buy tissues. Summer and I used a full toilet roll between us on Wednesday. Summer got a hold of a full toilet roll yesterday when I wasn't looking and unravelled it all over the kitchen bench.

I know it's a public holiday on Monday(God save the Queen). I wonder when the Queen isn't Queen anymore we will stop having the Queens holiday. Will it be King Charles' birthday? The 14th of November. That would be cool. My son will have a public holiday for his birthday! But not cool because the Queen will be dead, or retired. I remember when the Queen's mother died. We were staying in a caravan park. Jake and another boy ran around the park yelling, "The Queen mothers dead, the queen mothers dead". Sigh....., memories.

Having been sick this last week, reminded me of the hot wine drink Dad used to make. He swears by it, and recommends it to treat a cold or cough. 

The only problem is I had no idea how he made it. Funnily enough the day after I reminisced about it, he asked me if I had 'done the wine'. 

Now Dad said to just boil the wine with some honey for a couple of minutes and then drink it.

However, as always, Mum puts her two bob in, and corrects him. She says to put in a tablespoon of butter and then set it alight to burn off the alcohol.

Although I do remember seeing Dad light up the wine when I was a much younger girl, after I had boiled the wine for a couple of minutes, I couldn't get a flame from it. I do remember having a taste when I was a kid, making this and drinking the cup brought back good memories of smells and tastes.

It's supposed to be drunk as a nightcap before bed. It's warming and soothing, and according to Dad, you should wake up feeling great.

1 cup red wine
1 big globby tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of butter or marg

Place all in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Let boil for a couple of minutes.

You can try light it up if you'd like. 

Tip the saucepan to the side and use a lighter at the edge or use a match. Be careful.

Serve in a heat proof glass or mug. Enjoy the warmth.


  1. The butter (marg) in wine is too scary for me, I'm afraid...cloves and honey I could try...

    1. Ooh I was thinking some spices and even an orange rind would be good.

  2. Hmm. At least it would make you sleep well. But I think I'll stick with lemon drink and honey :)

  3. I reckon hubby would give this a go...

  4. This kind of reminded me a little of mulled wine. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to give your dad's wine a go, although I'm sure desperate times call for desperate measures :)

    1. I don't know much about mulled wine, I guess it must be similar. It was very soothing.

  5. Is this the same as Mulled Wine? I have heard my British relatives talk about this all the time in winter, might have to give it a try!

    1. I am not sure what mulled wine is? I guess it's a great drink to have on a cold night, to warm you up and help you sleep.

  6. Oh I wish I'd read this last week when I was feeling like death warmed up. Next time I'm feeling rotten, I'll give it a shot. I love red wine and I love honey so I think I'd love this too. I did laugh at the toilet paper part ... the exact same thing happened at our place last week!

  7. It is so cold here this morning I am seriously considering this as an option to put in a thermos for soccer!!! Yum!!
    I hope you feel better soon. I am waiting for us to get sick, last year was a shocker for sickness. I hate to think how much we spent at the chemist etc!!
    Oh and the queens actual bday is in late april or early may so why we have the long weekend now is beyond me!! Enjoy it hopefully feeling a million times better!!

    1. At least we get a public holiday! Apparently even the poms don't have a holiday for it!

  8. Butter and wine? Who knew! We're all feeling a bit miserable over here, so might give this a try...

    1. I suppose if you have a sore throat the butter would coat it? It's very good as a night cap. Very warming and soothing.

  9. This was exactly me a week ago. I couldn't have stomached the wine though. I also had to study for an exam and I felt so over everything. Blah. Going to get my flu shot asap!

    1. This cold, which I am thinking was the flu, it was a long lasting shocker. I am so glad to be over it! Today I am feeling like it is gone!

  10. I've never seen butter put in wine like this. Mulled wine with spices certainly, but butter? Interesting combo that's for sure.

  11. So there is no alcohol content left in it?? I've heard of mulled wine but not this - not a fan of mulled wine but I do LOVE butter. I'm sick too - it's sucks ass xx

  12. I don't remember when the Queen Mum actually died, what I *do* remember was a hoax that did the rounds about 10 years before she actually did!!

    Hot wine looks good - even if you don't have a cold ;-)

    1. We were watching the news on tv in the caravan park, and we were talking about it. It seemed like a big deal. I guess the kids thought it was too and they had to tell everyone else!
      I really didn't mind the hot wine!

  13. I hope you all get better soon xxx love mulled cider, have you tried that it's yum x

    1. I haven't tried mulled cider. Sounds really interesting and should have a go! Feeling like this flu has finally gone just today. Thanks Rae :)

  14. Mmmm.... I like the sound of this! I've never tried mulled wine before and the addition of butter to it quite intrigues me! It sounds like the perfect drink to snuggle up in a fluffy robe with on the chilly nights we're getting these days. Hope you feel better soon, though!

    1. Feeling better today thanks Serene. This is the perfect drink for cold nights snuggling in your robe xx

  15. Did you know that red wine doesn't necessarily double as a cough or cold syrup? However, moderate wine drinking, two glasses a day tops, can strengthen your immunity against a cold or a flu. Your dad is really smart to have known that. Anyway, that glass of homemade wine looks great. Thanks for sharing that, Alicia! Feel better soon! :)

    Irvin Moss @ The Brewmeister


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