
Monday, April 28, 2014

Peppi da puppy

My place in time #38 - I'm in a supermarket

Just over two weeks ago this little ankle biterwee and poo machine, jack russell x foxy came into our lives. 

It was a Thursday, Izzy was at kindy. Summer and I went to our local IGA supermarket to invest in some puppy food, and other puppy paraphernalia. 

It was supposed to be a secret, but I told Summer we were getting a new dog. Then when I picked up Izzy I told her too. I couldn't bloody help myself, besides Summer was telling everyone who would listen anyway. 

When Brett walked in with the new pooch, it wasn't quite the surprise it was supposed to be, but they were chuffed all the same. Izzy had the poor thing tucked in it's bed like a dolly in no time.

He's a boisterous playful little thing, and we've already had tears because of it. He's a right pain in the mornings, anyone and everyone's ankles are fair game and he has sharp little teeth!

Izzys called him Peppi, thats how the vet spelt it on his vaccine card, I was thinking Pepe, but hey, I'm not gonna argue over spelling. 

He may be a pain in the arse puppy right now, but he will grow to be a loyal and loving friend for the girls, like our dear Rosie was for Jakey.

I am quite excited about having a canine vacuum cleaner. I may never have to clean food from under and around the dining table again!



  1. What a cute dog! love the patch on his eye!

    1. That's his only marking, except for a few small black skin spots.

  2. Oh hes so cute! We had a jack russell x mini foxy - he was a little shit as a puppy but the best dog.

    1. They are a good dog. I can't wait until he gets out of his biting puppy stage and he learns to go outside to the loo!

  3. 3rd photo down = melt :)
    Congrats on your new family member.

  4. I'm so jealous - I have wanted a dog of my own for years now. It's never been the right time and I want to do it right. Fingers crossed for next the meantime welcome to the new member of your family!

    1. Thanks Kirsty. Important to do it right. Rosie our old dog was a jack russell and she was awesome. We made the mistake of getting a farm dog over a year ago and he just wasn't the right dog. He's on a farm now, where he belongs! I am much happier with a smaller dog.

  5. Puppy teeth are the worst. So sharp! Congratulations on the new addition. Rachel x

    1. They are sharp! He just wants to play and is so excited to see us in the mornings. Thanks for linking up Rachel :)

  6. You are a braver woman than I - and a nicer mum - you girls will be stoked!!! Congrats Peppi looks very cute and super fab having an under the table eater, I REALLY need one of those. xx

    1. Lol, well ok for after dinner clean ups. We already caught Izzy feeding him under the table, so he will have to go outside when we are eating. It was the same with our old dog, I would always insist it go outside while we eat.

  7. What a little cutie! My staffy Billy is 8 years old now but I can remember the early days, he ate everything in sight and it was like we had a baby. He's still like our second child but is a wonderful and calm dog and very good with our son. He gave us good parenting practice!

  8. For us, it is such a bonus to call the dog in after meal times! Cancels out any negative.

  9. How gorgeous!! I just love our puppy, and the ankle biting goes away after a while :)


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