
Thursday, April 24, 2014

100 Happy Days, Week 1

On Wednesday of last week I started the 100 Happy Days challenge.

I'd been looking for a thankful/grateful project to do for a while, and felt I needed to do something to remind me that good things DO happen, everyday!

Wednesday: The kids went to play next door. They love the kids next door. I had time to get the washing off the line before it rained. I found myself quite happy to stand and watch the rain when it did fall. 
Thursday: When I saw it, I could hardly believe it. A graffiti free skate park, the council did an awesome clean up job.
Friday: This is Izzy dancing, pretending she is a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz. She is such a card, this cracked me up, I laughed so hard.
Saturday: As skeptical as I was when Brett started drilling a hole in my sink, I am happy with my rain water tap in the kitchen, filtered too. 
Sunday: Because, wine.
Monday: Brett took the girls out for the morning, I made stirfry for lunch and sat and watched tv the whole time.
Tuesday: I really did have a shit day Tuesday. A walk with the kids, getting some fresh air was just what I needed.
Wednesday: Yesterday I took friends to Keith to pick up their car which had broken down before Easter. It was a 500km round trip. Thankfully my SIL looked after the girls, which made it an easier trip than it could have been. It was nice to go on a road trip on my own. I stopped just before I got back to SILs house and took a photo of the amazing clouds.

Thankful Thursday with A Parenting Life
Sharing my happy at A Parenting Life


  1. Love all your happy things!! I will have to restart mine again!!

    1. I can imagine there will be many happy moments of your trip xx

  2. Such a great collection of photographs. I'm doing this 100 days challenge as well. It is a great way to remind myself that moments of happiness occur amongst otherwise bad or neutral days, that a day doesn't have to be fantastic to be happy.

    1. Exactly Sarah. I get so down somedays over the smallest thing, when there has been a couple of things, usually, that happen that I should be thankful and happy about! Makes me feel like a silly twat sometimes.

  3. Wonderful :) The graffiti-free skate park is a mystical thing, seems to me as soon as one goes in someone tags it and everyone joins the party!
    Tara @ Hand Me My Sanity

    1. We've been pretty lucky that it has been pretty unscathed by vandals. It was just a few that went on a tagging spree one night and I was amazed at the clean up job :) Some of the words were pretty shocking.

  4. So many lovely happy moments! I've given up trying to chronicle mine as I lack the tenacity to finish anything I start but I've certainly become more aware of looking for the happy moments in each day.

    1. I am finding I am taking more care to actually appreciate when the good things DO happen, and savour them :)

  5. Fantastic compilation of your week! I really should start this project. Is it one photo a day for a week and a link-up? I know nothing about it but I think it would be a really personally empowering challenge to do. Love the pic of the dancer!

    1. There is this website to register and you can share wherever. I share on Instagram and facebook.

  6. What a great project to take part in and some lovely moments you're shared x

  7. I've been trying to keep up with a daily thankful. It really does help you find good, even in the bad, doesn't it?

  8. Alicia these are wonderful things to be thankful for. It is amazing just how much we can be thankful for if we stop to think about it. Can't wait to see what you find to be thankful for over the next week. Sending lots of fairy wishes and butterfly kisses your way


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