
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Back to school and an easy Chocolate Slice

We've just gone back to school this week in South Australia. Izzy started back at kindy yesterday, a full day. Just what you want after two weeks of having both of them home. There's no worrying about if she was ready, I was ready.

We had a great holiday break, got some easter craft done, too much chocolate consumption and a catch up with our mothers group mates. It was great that easter fell IN the school holidays this year.

Sunday I had a bake up. There wasn't much to put in a lunch box. Instead of taking money out the bank to buy stuff they day before our big fortnightly shop, I baked with what I had in the pantry. Simple stuff. Nothing fancy.

I made my sultana loaf. Tea, sultanas, sugar and flour. I used a spiced chai tea in this one, and iced it with half a teaspoon of golden syrup mixed with little boiling water, then mixed with icing sugar.

Homemade crackers, these are very moorish. I will post the recipe soon, these are before I had cooked them.

This chocolate slice is easy to make with ingredients everyone should have in the pantry ready to go. It is also scrumptious.

Chocolate Slice

120 grams butter or margarine
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup self raising flour
3 tablespoons of cocoa
1 cup of coconut

Mix dry ingredients together.
Melt butter, pour over dry ingredients and mix well.
Press the mix into a slice tin. I greased my tin with oil spray.

Bake at 180C for 15 minutes.

When cool, ice with chocolate icing, sprinkle with coconut and slice!

Never have a problem finding someone to lick the spoon.

Joining Jess for #IBOT on this very wet tuesday.


  1. Nothing better than a good chocolate slice. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to the cracker recipe as well. Leaving some fairy wishes and butterfly kisses from #teamIBOT

  2. You've been a busy lady! That slice looks delicious and easy enough for me :)

  3. Too easy, those crackers look awesome, I love a simple chocolate slice, I do find the icing makes a bit of mess in lunch boxes though.

  4. Oh that chocolate slice looks yum! I might have to make some for Mr 4 to take to daycare..although I'm not sure if it fits their idea of healthy eating.

  5. That chocolate slice looks easy peasy to make. None of my kids are in school yet... I have all that to look forward to in the coming years. :)

  6. Oh my! they all look delicious!

  7. That looks good and easy enough for me to try!

  8. Oh some great lunch box recipes here. I'm looking for a few more easy things so thank you!

  9. Can I be lazy and say I like the look of the crackers, they look easier than the sweets, or an I SOO wrong!


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