
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Field of wishes

My place in time #37 - The view from the end of my street

The man who owned this block died last year. It's rumoured his daughter plans to put flats on it, which means the street will be busier. This doesn't really bother me because our house is deep on our block and hidden away from the street. The other house owners at the end of our street aren't real happy though, but that's cookie crumbs for ya.

Our end of the street is in disrepair, pothole city at the moment. Can someone remind me why we pay rates? I wish they'd fix it up, bit of a catch twenty two, because when they do, we probably won't be able to use the driveway. I hope it won't be on shopping day, I may have to wheelbarrow the groceries down the thirty metres to the house! They maybe should have done it properly in the first place.


  1. Great photos. I can see why people would care about a block of units but change happens, it also might mean they fix the road ... that is dreadful.

  2. Beautiful pics. I adore dandelions (included a photo of one in an earlier post). They're such a humble little yellow flower then transform into a puffball to blow and make a wish :)

  3. What lovely vivid shots. Love the dandelion one :)

  4. Great shots. Yes, that cul-de-sac needs some work!

  5. *Sigh* this is what the block next door to us has looked like for the past nearly 5 years, and just TODAY the dozers came in to cut and fill it ready for a house so it looks like lots of noise and dust for us for the next 3 months! Missing the solitude already!

  6. That stress is shocking, I'd be emailing that piccy with a new request if I were you! Love barbed wire, ripped so many childhood clothes on it! x

  7. We're at the end of a double cul-de-sac, so don't have any traffic or noise luckily. The state of your road is shocking Alicia, and I just saw on your IG that your rates are going up! Doesn't seem right, does it? x

  8. There's two apartment projects going on in our street at the moment... I hate it, I feel it's already so crowded. (For some reason, I can't see the last two pictures.)


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