
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A week of sticky notes

The last week I have joined in with Emily at Have a laugh on me for her #projectcalmdownmum.

I can relate so much to it. I am definitely one to lose my shit when things get hairy with the kids.

It is something I feel guilty about and try hard to curb.

Em has really got her fingers in the right pie with this one. An Instagram friend asked me about the project yesterday and I was happy to fill her in. She commented it helped her, seeing the notes, she felt better because she realised she wasn't alone in her shit cracking ways.

She said, she realised, it doesn't matter how someone is dressed, or acts in public, we are all in the same boat when it comes to parenting. This shiz is hard, and we are not perfect, sometimes we lose our shit.

What is important, is that we see the need to change our attitude and habits(one sticky note at a time). 
The note I posted before going here

Stuck on the kettle, coz coffee is my friend, and that makes me happy

Oh, having a cow is my speciality. Something I learnt from my mum o-0

Where's my frickin medal wand?.....

So important to calm down before you let a heap of sparks fly, yet so hard to do in that
moment before losing your shizzle and having a total hissy fit. Mine usually includes
a few f words. Also not cool when the 4 year old thinks its funny
to get the 2 year old to repeat said f words. Lots of giggles and shame,
shame from the mummy o_0

The calendar on the fridge. It's a day to day battle.


One of Izzys many contributions to the cause. I am sure this says
'Hang in there Mum, you're doin' alright' xx Yeah well maybe
it is just a heap of i's and two's and p's!!! Oh look and an 'f' at the end.
Just like muma!! Ahem.....


  1. Oh Alicia you've made my day and really your sticky notes have been helping me, make me laugh and remind myself to calm down. Thanks for your support and if it can make us less cranker and swear less it's got to be a good thing right? So hard to keep your cool at times I know. I'm off to the park this morning to run the boys so they don't drive me around the bend at home! Have a great day! Oh and I love Izzy's note - my kids have been scribbling on them more this week too!

  2. I've loved seeing these on IG Alicia! It's so good to know we're all in the same boat xx

    1. Thanks Lisa. Absolutely helps when I can be reassured someone else is in the boat and helping to row xx

  3. I love this. Some of the notes really made me laugh out loud! Which is a good thing as I am fighting my 3 year old to go to sleep for his nap at the moment! Perfect timing to read this post. Calm down mum!!

  4. Haha love seeing #projectcalmdownmum and your additions crack me up. But honestly, at the end of the day the keep your shits uncracked post it needs to be glued to my forehead!

    1. I'm the gold medal winner at shit cracking didn't you know ;)

  5. I have loved all these you have done!! Can't wait for the next one!!

    1. Thanks Ann. Humility in this situation helps, if I don't make fun of myself I might just cry!

  6. I loved seeing these little sticky notes come up on my instagram feed. And all much needed reminders for myself as well. And I really liked the one about "breath calm, not fire". Thanks for sharing your little nuggets of wisdom with us through these post-it notes.

  7. I'm loving the sticky notes - especially the Yoda one! I think it is a great idea to have little reminders for those moments when you might just lose it!

    1. Making up the notes really has helped me. Bringing out the humour in the situation makes me step back and realise what a drama queen I am about to be xx

  8. I must start using my sticky notes - some days I'm tested to the max or witnessing them testing each other and I crack. Great pics.

  9. Very very cool I love it. Keep strong mama ;)

  10. I LOVE your notes...I needed you to come to my house and write some for me the last few nights. Ugh, end of term, meetings, projects due, I don't think of sticky notes until after the s**t is cracked :/ !

  11. Love your work! Will have to track you down on Instagram!

  12. Thank you very much for these great recommendations, beautiful messages!

  13. Maybe I have missed something but just thought I would share the offensive nature of using the word "spaz". Even if it's used to describe someone's actions or the way they did something it stems from the word spastic which has very negative implications to people who happen to have cerebral palsy.( spastic is a type of cp and a very old fashioned way of describing someone who has cp) People with cp move differently because their brains have been damaged and they have no control over it. We have control over using words like this so let's stop doing it! Bron

    1. Sorry Bron, didn't set out to intentionally offend.

  14. Love this concept. Need a few sticky notes here.

  15. Please do. I am here :)


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