
Monday, March 31, 2014

Making the most #openslather

The weather has turned to shorter, cooler, Autumn days. Luckily we are still copping the odd nice warm day. When I say nice and warm, I mean around thirty degrees, but it's been pretty humid too.

When the sun is out, it has quite a bite to it. 

Our local swimming lake is still full. It is about this time of year they start to drain the water out. It sits empty for the rest of the year until November when the hotter days return.

In the afternoon on a warm day last week I took the girls down for a paddle. A paddle is all they had, the water is cold. They played in the sand, chased seagulls and had a go on the play equipment.The sun kept them warm. 

There was not another soul in sight, except for the gulls, the cockies and the odd magpie. I wondered if I was the only mother nuts enough to have her kids down there for a paddle. I wondered what was wrong with other mums that they didn't take their kids down there, to squeeze the life out of the good days we are having and that they won't last.

Maybe I know only too well, that crappy feeling of having cabin fevered kids taking me for drives up the wall, that on the good days I get them out in the outdoors when I have the opportunity. I know that in a few short months, along with every other mum, I'll be tearing my hair out, wishing the rain would go away and the sun would come out so we can get outside, and not be inside!

In Victoria this week is Nature play week, a government initiative to get kids outdoors.

Most other states have a Nature play website to get kids out in nature and outdoors. Check out this list, 51 things to do before you're 12. These could well apply to any adult too, if you're up for a challenge or looking to relive your childhood!

The weather is supposed to around 30 today and tomorrow. If we're not home in the afternoon, we'll probably be having a play at the lake ;)

Open Slather 


  1. How wonderful they have somewhere so beautiful to swim. When I lived near water the kids were always in it. I loved taking them there...don't understand why some Mum's don't take advantage of it. Your little girls are so blessed to have such a great Mum! :)

  2. Yes it's odd, we were at the park on Saturday, it was puddle riddled but who cares! There were hardly any people there because it's been so wet for the past few days. Will take the boys to the park today, give them a good run. Not keen for beach as honestly I can't face sand today as need to get home and do some work. Maybe later in week! I love how kids can spend hours at the water edge, in saying that my boys would be IN the drink even if bone cold and then be spreading snot for the rest of the week! Happy Monday and thanks for the linky

  3. There's something so charming about kids playing in sand- the concentration and focus on detail, for such a simple pleasure...

  4. I've been very much itching to get outdoors as we've had a lot of rain here in Brisbane. The sun is out today and I hope that the temperatures stay a lot lower than they have been.

  5. Yes, we are lucky to have The Lake. Looks like a great few hours spent in the sun and sand - good one, Mum!

  6. What a good idea and it looks like fun. It is always good to get outside on nice days. We are coming up to dry weather so I am certain there will be many a happy person spending time outside after the rain and mozzies keeping people in.

  7. Happy Autumn! We're just getting done with the longest, messiest winter ever...looking forward to warmer weather. Thanks for hosting and hope you have a great week :)

  8. Those photos are gorgeous! Wonderful lake - swimming pool!


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