
Monday, April 7, 2014

Passionfruit self saucing pudding

Don't think I am complaining, I secretly love it when someone comes round and plonks a bag full of fresh homegrown food on my kitchen bench. It means I get to cook something new.

A week ago my sister brought over a heap of passionfruit. My first thought was what the heck am I going to do with all those. The look on my face must have read the same, she said "You don't have to have them." I had my poker face on when my sister in law sat a bag of quinces on the bench yesterday!

It's happening more and more frequently. An uncle I have hardly anything to do with left a bag of spuds, a box of apples and a bag of peaches at my brothers place for me. Do I scream give me all your unwanted food stuffs?!

Turns out Summer is a real fan of passionfruit, could eat them all day. I'd probably let her but the resulting mess in her nappies isn't pretty! I am slowly convincing myself to start toilet training her, maybe after the school holidays. I may have psyched myself up by then. It has to happen sometime soon. Oh, the joy.....

I did drop off some passionfruit iced vanilla slice and some passionfruit pudding off at my sisters to say thanks for the fruit. I also made some passionfruit custards, baked in teacups, so good! Me and hubby ate those. They weren't going anywhere!

This is the recipe I made up for the pudding :) It's delicious :D

Passionfruit self saucing pudding

2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons Self Raising flour
pinch salt
1 cup low fat milk
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup dessicated coconut
1/4 cup passionfruit pulp(with seeds)
1 tablespoon sugar

Preheat oven to 180 C.

Separate eggs.
Beat egg yolks with the half cup of sugar.
Beat in milk, flour, lemon juice, salt and passionfruit.
Beat egg white until frothy, add the tablespoon of sugar and beat until soft peaks form.
Fold the egg white mixture into passionfruit mix.
Pour into a greased dish. Stand dish in a pan of cold water, so water goes half way up the sides of the dish.
Bake for 40-50 minutes.



  1. Replies
    1. It was pretty tasty Rachel. Love these sorts of puddings :)

  2. Yum! Looks delicious. We have a huge passionfruit plant that delivers us so much passionfruit-goodness it is often hard to use them all up. Luckily my Mum regularly helps herself to them!

    1. That's what I thought when I set eyes on them, what the hell am I going to use these for!

  3. This has got me really excited because my passionfruit vine has just started growing fruit for the season and this will be the first thing I make with them! I just emailed myself the recipe, thanks so much for sharing!

  4. I love passionfruit and puddings! This one looks divine, definitely need to give it a try!! Thanks Mandy x

  5. OMG my mouth is watering! We have a passionfruit vine but it hasn't fruited this year, I guess it will be our turn next year.

  6. We have finally got some cool weather so I may have to whip this up!! Looks amazing!!

  7. I don't think I've ever had passionfruit...looks delicious :)

  8. You are so lucky to be given fresh produce. Does not happen often enough here haha :) The puddings look amazing by the way. Yummo! Time for lunch :)

  9. That pud looks good! As for toilet training, there's some pressure from daycare but I'm not going to cave. I wait til mine are just over 3 and fully get the concept and they are trained day and night in 2 to 3 days and hardly have any accidents. My hubby would love to be married to a great cook, but then he'd be twice as fat as he already is :)

  10. That looks delicious Alicia - even with the pips left in (that's the one thing that annoys me about passionfruit, the pips!)

    1. I don't mind the crunch of the pips, but it would be just as yummy without them though.

  11. Oh my goodness! I am drooling. It looks so tasty!

  12. I've never had Passionfruit before but that looks really yummy!

  13. Passionfruit & pudding - so much to love! On my list of must makes Alicia - just gorgeous. :)

  14. Would you believe I have a basket of passionfruit that some friends gave us? They're coming for dinner on Wednesday night, so I think I'll whip this up for them. Thanks for linking it with I'm Pinning Around. x


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