
Monday, April 21, 2014

Chilli Oil

I grew one chilli plant this year. One more than I have ever grown. One was enough.

I froze a bag full to use later on for something! I can't see myself using in cooking for all of us. These babies are hot, even the green ones. Maybe when I get the urge I'll make some hot sauce or chilli jam or something.

I do love chilli oil drizzled on my soup in winter, some extra warmth and I love that bit of flavour. It's not too bad on fried eggs either or pasta.

The new and the old(on the right). I made the old with red chillies I got from my sister in laws garden a year ago. I may have used too many chillies in this years, it's a bit hot already.
I just keep topping up the oil during the year as I use it up.


  1. Pooh I love Chilli oil. I have a bottle in the cupboard and love to toss it through pasta. I'd love to be able to make my own though.

  2. Wow, that's a lot of chilli! I might have to try my hand at growing some. We have a passionfruit vine that just grows and grows and grows. I might have to open a stall on the side of the road!

  3. I can pretty confidently say that if I do even have a vege garden, there will be no chilli's planted! lol... hope you find some use for your stash!

  4. You can keep your chillies lol just looking at them makes my mouth burn. I'm so weak when it comes to spicy food.

  5. Love my spicy food and I cook with chillies quite a lot. I've recently successfully grown basil so maybe I should try my hand at chillies next!

  6. The chillis will freeze for up to a year!! If you want less heat scoop out the seeds!! I love the sound of chilli oil yum!!

  7. I have never had chilli oil but will certainly give it a go! :) I have just made up some chilli jam which is a great use for them too :)

  8. Yum! that chilli oil looks good. Its a great idea to add to soups. I shall try that this winter, xS

  9. We have two chilli plants and have more than enough chillies than we know what to do with. My freezer is stocked up with them and I'm always giving away bags of it to friends. I never thought of making chili oil actually. Is it as simple as just dropping in whole chillies in oil? I must give it a try.


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