
Monday, March 3, 2014

Zucchini Slice

I have never been too successful with zucchinis. I haven't had one off my plant this year because of end blossom rot, where the zucchini starts out well but slowly dies off from the flower end. I've had heaps do this, but the latest two on the plant are looking like they might be OK, fingers crossed.

End blossom rot is caused because of not enough calcium in the soil, and infrequent watering. 

Mum can grow them with her eyes shut, so I've been getting them off her. 

This is what I made with them, besides eating them with other veggies and making ratatouille, like I did when we went camping recently. 

Zucchini Slice

1-2 grated medium zucchini(about 2 and a half cups)
1 onion finely chopped
1 cup chopped bacon
1 cup grated cheese
1 cup SR Flour
1/2 cup oil
5 eggs
salt and pepper

Place all ingredients in a big bowl. Mix together well.
Grease a pie dish or cake tin.(I line the bottom of a spring form cake tin and spray with some olive oil spray).
Bake at 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.


  1. I LOVE zucchini, I put it in everything, kids and I made cupcakes yesterday and I put it in them! Best food to hide, also goes into spag bolle! This looks delish! x

    1. I put it in the spag bol too! You made cupcakes? ;) I hide them in there too, but I have to put cocoa in too so it covers up the green!

  2. YUM!! that looks great! I can only dream of one day having a fabulous vege and herb garden! Something I'll do when I find more time!! lol...

  3. This is such a goody - I love it hot or cold! I also put in corn and grated carrot to smuggle in more veggies! I'll be making this sometime this week.

    1. I like it cold too. I had it for lunch a couple days in a row, Brett took it work too. The kids weren't that keen on it though.

  4. Thanks I always wondered what caused blossom end rot.
    DH loves this and wont eat zucchini any other way. Just a tip dont use plain flour, it makes it turn out like clag

  5. I love zucchini. I however fail at growing it i just dont know why. I love a good zucchini slice too. thanks for sharing xx

  6. Linking and running but will be back!!

  7. I'm pretty sure that's what happened when I tried growing zucchinis and I've never tried growing them again but I love making zucchini slice! yum.

  8. Yum!!!! Someone mentioned Zucchini Slice to make for my daughters party and you are making me drool just looking at your gorgeous pics! Thanks for the reminder - now must cook it!

    1. It will work in patty pans as well, but stick to the paper a little. I suggest using silicone ones so they pop out easy for individual bite sized ones if thats they way you want to go. I hope the slice is a hit at the party xx

  9. Hi Alicia! Thanks for hosting :)
    Have a great week!


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