
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Potato, pea and mint salad

My mint, growing in a half barrel near the chook house, is flowering right now. I love the smell as I brush past to open the gate.

The purple potato plant is flowering now too. I have them growing in a pot by the veggie patch. Next time I'll put them in a bigger pot I think, it's as easy as tipping out the pot when they are ready and not digging to look for them. I've just topped up the pot with some composted sheep poo.

Potato, pea and mint salad

1 kilogram of pototoes, chopped into 2cm chunks, with the skin still on(you could use baby ones here.
3/4 cup frozen peas

1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup greek yoghurt
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 good tablespoon finely chopped mint

Cook the potatoes in salted water, for about 10 minutes or until are just soft enough to get a knife through. Leave to cool.

Cook the peas(you could do this in a steamer while the potatoes boil).Let cool.

Mix the dressing ingredients together and stir through the cold potato and peas.

You could add other ingredients like radishes, carrot,celery or ham of you like, even swap out the spuds for pasta to make your own version.

Added to flaunt your flowers at Tootsie Time


  1. Beautiful photos, beautiful plants! I like the first, awesome!

  2. Not sure about the sheep poo but that potato salad looks delicious!

  3. This sounds divine. Thank you. I've been looking for an easy and yummy potato salad.

  4. Love the smell of mint too! This potato salad looks delish AND healthy! Nom, nom!

  5. MMM i love fresh mint in my rice paper rolls and this looks delicious.

    1. I like mint in rice paper rolls too. Have to make them again soon!

  6. That looks delicious, I love the dressing you've used!

    1. I loved it too, makes a difference to the usual mayo dressing :)

  7. Oh yum! Thanks for sharing that recipe - easy and delish! I love anything with mint in it (especially a caprioska!) It must be wonderful to grow your own food and to have that beautiful big mint plant around would be divine. #FYBF

    1. I love being able to go out the back door and pick stuff to use in the kitchen, especially the herbs :)

  8. Yummo - I reckon mum used to make this, but since dad's got more help conscious not so much, BORING! x

  9. Gorgeous pictures and fab recipe! Thanks for sharing !!

  10. I love these flavours. Great idea about potatoes in pots!

  11. I just love coming across simple everyday recipes like this for meal ideas. I've made potato salad before but sometimes when I'm cracking my head on what to cook for dinner, my backlog of meals and recipes I've prepared before doesn't always flow easily. When I saw this, I had an "aha!" moment. Side dish for dinner it now figured out!


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