
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3 easy ways with peaches and puff pastry

Our peach tree was chocka block this year, again. Too many to keep up with, we got 6 buckets all together. I have frozen a heap of stewed ones to use throughout the rest of the year.

We went away for the weekend camping, and I left a bucket full of fresh yummy peaches by the fence with a 'free' sign on them and some bags with the hope that they wouldn't take my bucket. When I got home the bucket was still full! What is wrong with people?! Free yummy peaches, hello!!

Oh well. I got my bake on. 

Peach mixture

4 peaches, peeled, seeded and sliced
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/4 cup flaked almonds

Mix all together.

Use one sheet of puff pastry. Lay peach mixture down the centre. Make 1 inch slits down the edges, leaving half an inch either side of the peaches.

Fold strips over alternatively, brush with egg wash(made with a beaten egg and 1 tablespoon of water) and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Peach Turnovers

Using the same peach mix as above, cut one sheet of puff pastry into four equal squares. Place a heaped tablespoon of mix on one half of the square and fold over, making a triangle. Seal around the edges with a fork or your fingers.

Brush with egg wash of one beaten egg mixed with a tablespoon of water.

Bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees

Dust with icing sugar to serve with lashings of cream!

Peach Tart

4 peaches, peeled, seeded and sliced
2 tablespoons flaked almonds, toasted
2 tablespoons sugar

Cut one sheet of puff pastry in half.

Leaving a 1cm border, scatter the almonds on each half. 
Lay the peach slices in two rows along the pastry, remembering to still leave a border.
Sprinkle with sugar.
Brush edges with egg wash and bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.


  1. I haven't eaten nearly enough peaches this Summer. These look scrumptious :)

  2. omg, I am drooling all over my keyboard!! YUUUUUM!!!! My sister had a million peaches on their tree, too. I should share these with her and then tell her to make me some and send them up! :-) Maybe people thought there was a catch - nothing is free these days!!!

  3. Divine!! I wish I had a fruit tree of any kind. I do love puff pastry - great ideas!

  4. Oh, my gosh! To die for! YUMMO!

  5. The turnovers looks delicious. Puff pastry is so versatile!

    1. I gave the turnovers to my sister, they loved them. Puff pastry, ready made anyway, is so easy to use for quick treats.

  6. Oh nice!! The inlays have this problem every year as well. Maybe now I'm living closer to them I can raid their tree and try some of these.

    1. You are living very close now! Hope you're settling in OK xx


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