
Monday, March 24, 2014

Cheese and Thyme Scones

I always have a jar of dried herbs in the pantry. I stepped out in the garden with my kitchen scissors and picked a bunch to hang up in the window to dry. Rosemary, basil mint and thyme. 

When dried, I pick the leaves of the stalks, chop them up and chuck them in a jar. Sometimes all mixed together or in their own separate jars. 

When my basil started to go to seed recently, I picked it to dry so I had it in the pantry when the plant wasn't in the garden. I usually leave at least one to go to seed, so it comes up again on it's own.

I have some basil mint though, which is great to use instead of fresh basil. Worth investing in some, just put it in a pot.

I usually make these scones with dried marjoram. Marjoram is very similar to oregano, just a different flavour. I've just planted some in the garden, the last lot died! I made them with thyme, and they are just as moorish. Fabulously rustic and perfect with soup or a fresh flavoursome salad. This recipe makes about 18 scones.

Cheese and Thyme Scones
1 cup wholemeal plain flour
1 cup wholemeal SR Flour
pinch of salt
3 Tablespoons(60gr) margarine
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
2 tsp dried thyme
2/3 cup finely grated cheese
120 mls milk
3 tablespoons(60gr) cottage cheese*
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds

*If you don't have cottage cheese, use sour cream or yogurt. Otherwise just add another 1/4 cup milk.

Preheat oven to 220 degrees.

Place flours, salt and margarine in a bowl. Rub margarine into flour until it is all incorporated and resembles bread crumbs.

Add the mustard, thyme and cheese.

Mix in milk and cottage cheese to form a soft dough.

Roll out dough to about 2cm thickness, on a floured surface. Cut out scones with a 5cm cutter.

Place scones on a greased tray(I used olive oil spray). Brush with milk and place sunflower seeds on tops.

Bake for 12 minutes. 


  1. Wow, they sure look yummy! Love the enamel soup bowl and your photos are glorious. I must invest in a camera :)

  2. Oh it is my dream to one day have a vege and herb garden where I can just go out at cut some fresh herbs.... *sigh* day!
    (Think I will definitely be coming back for this recipe!)

    1. I love being able to hop outside when I am cooking and grab some fresh herbs/vegies to cook with! Have you room for a few pots?

    2. I therefore it is probably just my laziness holding me back.. lol...

  3. Ah, I am such a gardening novice. I have never thought to dry out our herbs. I am going to dry some of our thyme and give this recipe a whirl! Yummo!

  4. Happy Monday!!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  5. That is a good idea to dry herbs, might have to do that, instead of throwing them away because they are dying! Thanks for linky lovely and for your note for #projectcalmdownmum - YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR x

    1. Hey I have heaps more sticky notes in my arsenal! I've been thinking about this.
      I've bought the herbs from supermarket before with the roots still attached and planted them in the garden! You could always freeze them too and whip them out in stuff for flavour eg spag bol or casseroles.

  6. Hi, Alicia! I love this idea for savory scones. I will pin it and try to use some fresh thyme this summer from my garden. Thanks for sharing. :)


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