
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Autumn garden

The chillies are finally starting to turn red

The $10 standard(a rose on a stick, like a topiary) 'Peace' rose, I bought last week out on clearance. Bargain! 

Impatient 'congo cockatoo'

St Pats day was the day to put in Sweet Pea seeds.
I have this old gate so they can climb up. The variety I have put in only grows up to 60cm.
Blaze climbing rose. After 10 years it looks like it is
finally happy. I almost pulled it out!

A pretty geranium

Gorgeous windflowers

This used to be my fruitbowl. Repurposed.

I made a seat for one! It doubles as some sculptural interest.


  1. Stunning photos! The peace rose is so pretty. :)

    1. Oh thanks Kaz. I love sharing my garden. I love finding a new rose I don't have for a bargain too :)

  2. Spectacular garden - I love my Peace rose.

  3. I love that seat - very cool. Glad you didn't throw out the red rose, I love it. :)

    1. I have thought about pulling it out, but never got around to doing it!
      I like the seat too, it took a few minutes to put together. The wood was a chock when Brett took his boat off the trailer for maintenance, it sat discarded under a tree for the longest time. He had a go at making pavers once....this was a left over :)

  4. Beautiful garden. It looks like the kind of place I would like to stop and have a cup of tea! I love the Peace rose. I have nurtured one through our very hot summer and hope that there will be at least one little flower sometime this year.

  5. It's fun to see different plants that you have that we don't here in the US. :) Lovely.

  6. I love these beautiful flowers! I like those colors!

  7. Love the roses - so beautiful. I have just planted some in our garden too. Fingers crossed next year will be full of bloom xx

    1. Hopefully will you never regret planting your roses. I loathe the pruning stage, because I have so many probably. But come November the display is just gorgeous :)


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