
Thursday, March 20, 2014

A busy intersection

My place in time #44

I am still plodding along taking photos for the My place in time project.

This roundabout is one of the busiest intersections in town. Just about every visitor that comes through town would come across it, whether on their way to or from Adelaide, or a trip to the beach. You'll find it at the end of our main street.

It's the essential pivot point when attempting to do a double mainie(you know, when you do a drive by of the main shopping hub of town, just to be seen and see who's about). It seems the mainie isn't so popular when you get of a certain age, but I fanged around this roundabout many a time in my youth.

Years later I found myself the mother of a learner driver. Every short trip to the shops included a couple of mainies. As you approach, the drivers window goes down and the volume on the stereo gets turned up. 

That learner driver is 21 now, and he was driving my car a few weeks ago, bugger me dead if he didn't do it again. I could tell by the smirk on his face, he was stirring the pot and knew how much it gave me the shits five years ago. I turned the stereo down and he laughed, I smiled big.

The roundabout is flanked by parklands and the Wattle Range Council chambers. There used to be an old tall palm tree smack bang in the middle of it way back when, but a revamp saw it moved(dunno why or where it went) and was replaced by carpet roses by the Millicent Community Builders, a volunteer group that go about doing beautifying projects around the town.


  1. Oh, I cannot tell you how many mainies I chucked in my Mini from 1980 onwards. I still do them with my daughters if we zip into town for something. "Chuck a mainy on the way home!" A mainy used to go from the roundabout all the way down to Chickenland then back again, over and over again. We were usually following boys in their cars! Too funny!

    As a local I am very proud of our towns parklands and garden beds, they are always very well maintained and manicured. I am sure most would agree.

    1. All the way down to Chickenland! lol

      A lot of us turned around where the museum windmill is, there used to be a little road there once upon a time. Agreed, the parklands, especially around the roundabout are beautiful. I love the new flower bed at the drain bridge :)

  2. I love the different angles and perspective in these photos :) Love the term mainies! We just used to call it 'doing laps.' I prefer your version!

    Thanks for linking up x

  3. Ha ha love this. Hadn't heard the term mainies either but love it. That is one serious roundabout. x

  4. Hee hee, cheeky boy! Pulling laps with mum in car, winning!! x

  5. What a lovely landscaped town you live in! It must be in the soil. :)

  6. That's hilarious. I hope my sons have a sense of humour when they grow up. I love that a community group planted the flowers. Gorgeous x

  7. Not heard of Mainies either. I've not seen your project before - what a great scrapbook you'll have of your life at the end of it...

    1. I've been to your blog before (OBVS), just not on these posts apparently (or it's my bad memory and I didn't pick up what you were actually doing...)

  8. Hehe gotta love a 21 year old with the radio blaring!!!! xxx

    1. I remember when he had his learners he was into Eminem and 50 cent! Fiddy cent actually grew on me after a while lol

  9. Gosh you made that simple road and roundabout come to life in your photos! At least it looks a lot more well-maintained than most of the roundabouts in my area, they are all full of weeds and not at all photogenic!

  10. I've never heard the term 'mainie' before! I need to get out more! Loving the manicured lawn and lovely flowers! :-) xo

  11. I think I've led a sheltered life as I haven't heard the term "mainie" before … very funny!

  12. What a pretty round about. Laughed about the double mainie comments. We used to have "surfing the nard" in Hervey Bay when I had my Ls/ Ps, which meant driving up and down the Esplanade. Thank goodness we're a few years off driving lessons, don't think my fragile heart could take it!

  13. It's a very pretty roundabout isn't it? It's lovely to have those long term connections with incidental spots around town.


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