
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Where I belong

My place in time #76

On a recent short drive to the small town where I grew up, I had to stop and take photos of this country.

While driving through this landscape, I felt pride, I felt at home, I belonged.

It's sprawling fields, where sheep and cattle graze. Where tall dry grass, lines the roadside. Old windmills dot the horizon. I have travelled these roads many a time. 

The air out the window is refreshing, the red gums like welcoming friends, familiar, they free me from my worries.

This is where I belong, I am a child of this landscape, comforted in its embrace.

The Ash Wednesday fires were 27 years ago, but blackened trees still stand as a reminder.


  1. Wow poignant reminders of the devastation. Thanks for the gorgeous images and linking up

  2. Just beautiful images and they make me yearn to head to the country for a few days, get back to a place that reminds me of home. xx

  3. Beautiful images of a tough land, Alicia. Those blackened trees are a haunting memory aren't they? x

    1. They are haunting, I still remember seeing the trees at night, with glowing trunks still burning as we drove home when it was safe to return after the fires.

  4. Breathtaking view, to a tropical city girl like me, I am amaze. Thanks for sharing;)!

  5. Beautiful photos, love the subtle colours x

  6. Gorgeous, really lovely place, those trees are wonderful! Have a nice day!

  7. Gorgeous photos - so beautifully composed!

  8. There's always something invigorating about the air of one's hometown. Beautiful images, I can almost smell the scent of the warm dry grass toasting in the hot sun.

  9. Your photos are breathtaking. Reminds me of the Malee where I grew up. x

  10. Alicia, beautiful photographs of a beautiful land. They remind me of our many trips from Sydney back to Adelaide every December to visit family and for our children to see their cousins. Thank you for sharing. I especially love the close up ones of the grain growing next to the barbed wire fence. Alexa from Sydney blogging at


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