
Monday, June 3, 2013

Bloody rain and stinky cheese.

We've just been away for the weekend in the Adelaide Hills. Perfect spot to getaway, as long as it doesn't piss down pour with rain the ENTIRE time.

Thursday, while travelling. Sunset on the Coorong.

The weather was fine on Thursday when we left, we set up the caravan, and hooray for us, in the dark and in record time. 

About 3 am on Friday morning it started raining, and didn't stop until the time we left.

We did and saw the things we wanted to, but it would have been so much easier, and much more enjoyable, especially with the kids, if it wasn't wet. We had our routine of getting the kids in and out of the car down pat in the end.
Friday morning, and it didn't stop, ALL DAY! (don't be
fooled by the blue, it's just the shade strip on the windscreen..
no blue sky here people)

We spent most of Saturday afternoon in the Hahndorf Inn with Brett's sister and her family, drinking wine and picking at a fruit and cheese platter. I was the one cutting dried apricots in half and sandwiching in a chunk of blue cheese. Quite nice, no one else was going near the stinky cheese though.

Eating the bits no one wants. 

Highly recommend this pub on a cold, rainy day with kids. We scored a table near the open fire and right in front of the kids play room. It made for a very relaxing laid back afternoon. The place was packed, as Hahndorf is on a weekend, and tables were filling up as soon as they were emptied, so we were lucky.

We plan on going back again, so we can leisurely stroll the streets and shops when it isn't RAINING.

Do you eat stinky cheese? 

Have any shocker holidays, when you should have stayed home?

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  1. Dadabs and I had a great time in the Adelaide Hills - 8 years ago in the before kids era. He is a big fan of the stinky cheese. The more toxic the better for him. Me - not so much ;-)

    1. This is the first time I have spent any time there, usually it's just passing through. Was so looking forward to looking around more. It's probably changed a bit since you were there last, I was surprised at how big Mt Barker(where we stayed) was, the shopping was great!

  2. Hubby and kids love stinky blue vein cheese, even add it on top of pizzas!

    We had a disastrous camping holiday down the Gold Coast when the kids were little, it was February and near-cyclonic conditions. We braved it out until I woke up in the middle of the night to find our foam mattress was soaking. Slept the rest of the night in the back of the car (a station wagon luckily) and went home next morning...

    1. Well at least you have a camping story to tell, even though it might be a bad one. Never tried blue cheese on top of pizza!

  3. I love stinky cheese! My Dad is English and one of his treats was Blue vein, it is now one of mine too :)

    1. Ha ha, I have a similar story with my Dad and anchovies!

  4. We've been pretty lucky with holidays - the worst was probably our honeymoon in New Zealand when it rained on the drive from Auckland to Rotorua, then snowed so much that our plan was cancelled on the way to Queenstown and we ended up on a bus for 8 hours . . . it was worth it when we woke up to a snow fairyland the next morning, though

    1. That would have been worth it. We did drive high in the hills, it got so foggy all of a sudden and I commented that if it were any colder it would snow!

  5. That pub sounds divine!! I love places that are kid and adult friendly, smart businesses get that happy kids and parents equals more business!! You can eat all the stinky cheese!!

    1. The story goes, they took the pokies out and put a playroom in. Clever. We'll be stopping there again. It was much warmer than the animal farm we'd come from, plus they had wine :)

  6. We went to the museum during the last school holidays when it was pouring with rain. Our people mover is worth every cent on rainy days - pile everyone in, shut the doors, THEN we can do the seatbelts!

    1. We did drop in on a chocolate factory and an indoor petting zoo\farm. The dash from the car, getting the pram out and all was a bit much, became funny in the end. All fun and games! A people mover sounds like the go!

  7. We went 2.5 hours south to Northern NSW and it rained for the second day but we had a cabin so could entertain the kids inside, but we also bought their gummies and jackets. They have colds now though - sigh!
    I LOVE the idea of wine and nibbles by open fire, mind you I love it even without the fire :) Have a great week x

  8. Not a fan of the cheese. The pub sounds lovely though.

  9. Stinky cheese and rain are two of my favourite things! And I love the Adelaide Hills. Hope you managed to squeeze in a few wineries as well, kids are never too young to learn to appreciate wine(ries) :)


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