
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Feijoa and Apple crumble cake

My sister in law stood in my kitchen, smelling the feijoas sitting in a bowl on the bench. As I picked up toys in the lounge I called over "They're feijoas". She knew what they were, taking in the beautiful scent, she told me she had a tree in the yard of their old house.

I thought it was only in New Zealand where just about every yard had a feijoa tree, and if they didn't they knew someone who did have, probably the next door neighbour! 

Mum had some given to her by a friend. It happens every year, and I don't say no when she in turn, palms some off on to me. 

If you're a My Kitchen Rules fan, you may remember when New Zealand couple Simon and Meg, made apple and feijoa crumble. I took it one step further and made this delicious cake. It is something special and sure to impress.

Fruit layer
4 apples and 4 feijoas, peeled cubed and stewed with 1 dessert spoon of sugar for about 5 minutes.

Cake ingredients
110g margarine
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups SR Flour
3/4 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon milk
1/4 cup custard powder
1 teaspoon vanilla 

1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
50 grams margarine

Preheat oven to 180 degrees
Line and grease a spring form cake tin.

Make crumble by rubbing all ingredients together until it resembles bread crumbs. Set aside.

Melt margarine, mix in all other cake ingredients for about three minutes until light and fluffy.

Pour into tin, place apple and feijoa on top in even layer and press down slightly.

Sprinkle crumble layer on top.

Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Serve warm or cold, with cream, custard or ice cream.
It really is delicious.


  1. I've never seen a feijoa before but I have made a peach crumble cake ... thanks for sharing.

    1. I have some peaches in the freezer from this year! I can use them for a peach crumble cake. We loved this one :)

  2. oh wow!!!! YUMMMO As a kiwi I LOVE THEM!! :) didn't know you could get them in Australia!!!

    xx #tust visiting

    1. I was surprised at how many people have them growing in their yards. I have never seen them for sale in the shops though. They are in season now, so I suppose they would be in fruit markets :)

  3. I've never heard of a Feijoa before. The cake looks delicious! Cheers, Alison #TUST

  4. The cake looks yummy. Though I have never heard of this fruit before.

  5. I have honestly never heard of this fruit ever before. What does it taste like?

  6. This looks just gorgeous Alicia! I have never had feijoa before - they sound awesome, such a great name for a fruit!! Pinning for sure.xx

  7. I've never heard of feijoa before either, your cake looks simply amazing though. I've pinned this recipe, just need to hunt them down now!

  8. I don't think I've ever tasted feijoa before. Your cake looks delicious - I love crumble texture in cakes. Thanks for linking it with I'm Pinning Around. xx


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