
Monday, March 4, 2013

Easter Bunny funny

I made this up last year, when I wasn't a blogger. I had seen it as a cartoon on a tee shirt at Cotton On, and recreated it at home. With Easter coming up I thought I would share it, hopefully it gives you a giggle like it did me.

I had no problems biting the rear end and ears of a chocolate rabbit and eating them. There is definitely something special about the taste of Easter chocolate, looking at this reminded me of that taste and smell. Yum!

I have been able to resist all the chocolate choking up the aisles at Woolies so far. I haven't had chocolate for nearly two months, I am not tempted by it and am not missing it. Yet. I weighed in this morning, and have lost ten kilos up to date.

Izzy has noticed all the shiny Easter merchandise. I keep telling her we can't buy or eat it them until Easter and I am getting away with that little white lie. Plus I don't need the temptation sitting in the wardrobe at the end of my bed, I have always had to go buy more by the time Easter Sunday arrives! 


  1. So far I have bought & eaten a mini red tulip solid egg & I can't resist hot cross buns. But being that I started my diet today it's extra light margarine on them instead of lovely salty buttery goodness. Thanks again for hosting!

  2. I'm a sucker for Easter egg chocolate. Mind you the worst time for me is AFTER Easter when all the goodies are on special, and the hubster brings them home when he does the grocery shopping!

  3. Hi Alicia!! Can't believe it's Monday already! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week :)

  4. HAHA! I love it. Sorry I haven;t beeen open slathering for a few weeks I just cannot get my act together on Mondays since I've been back at work! ARGH! Will try nect week x

  5. Funny! I haven't had any Easter chocolate yet. This must be the first time there has been no chocolate or hot cross buns (my absolute weakness)in the house with only 3 weeks until Easter.


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