
Thursday, February 28, 2013


This is the recipe I use for lasagne. I made this one for my neighbours on the arrival of their third baby. My good deed done. Brett was very disappointed when I told him not to touch it! 

Beef mince filling
500 gr beef mince
2 cans crushed tomatoes
1 onion, chopped
1 Tspn mixed herbs
3/4 cup stock or just water
Brown mince and onion. Add rest of ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes.

Cheese Sauce
3-4 Tbsp plain flour
2 Tbsp margarine
120 gr grated cheese
2 cups milk
salt and pepper

Melt butter, and add flour, stir to combine.
Remove from heat and add a little of the milk at a time and whisk until it is smooth.
Put it back on the heat and stir until it thickens.
Stir in cheese, salt and pepper.

* If you can't be bothered with the cheese sauce, use a bag of grated mozzarella instead. 

You will need some lasagne sheets. I usually start with two boxes. Or if you're that way inclined, make you're own pasta, it is so much better, and worth trying just once.
You will need some extra cheese for the top and some bacon pieces

Don't forget when layering to leave a bit of the cheese sauce for the top.

Start by putting a ladle full of the mince sauce on the bottom of the dish. Cover this with a layer of pasta.
Add a layer of mince, and then a layer of cheese sauce. Cover again with pasta sheets.
Repeat the layering of mince and cheese sauce, ending with a covering of pasta sheets.
Spread the rest of the cheese sauce over the top.
Sprinkle on grated cheese and bacon pieces.
Bake for 30 - 40 minutes.


  1. This looks wonderful. I have never made Lasagne before. I have always imagined it to be quiet hard and labour intensive. Though this looks like something I could tackle :-)
    I have been making a dish here and there for my best friend and her fiance' as they are spending a lot of time in and out of hospital (he is fighting Lymphoma), and my husband is the same as yours when I tell him it is not for him, hehe.

  2. I loe lasagne!! Yours looks yum, I would have been cranky too if it was sitting there and I couldn't touch it!!

  3. Right now I am wishing I was your neighbour. Thanks for linking in today

  4. Alicia I wanted to thank you for your kind comment on my turkey meatloaf Marsala... And apologize bc my big thumb hit delete when I was trying to hit publish, and now the comment has disappeared!

    Thanks for visiting! And this lasagna looks fabulous!


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