
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Gymnast and the Base Jumper

Izzy started Tiny Tots gym this year. She is really enjoying it and doing well. It is a very good feeling watching her, and goes to show me just how much she is growing up. It goes for an hour and also gives me the opportunity to leave her, I was a bit worried about how she would react, but she was fine. It's the first time I have left her anywhere that wasn't with family. I was concerned (her second lesson) that I should have taken her to the toilet before I left. It was in the back of my mind the whole time I was at home, and she was by herself for the first time. Would she say to the instructor that she had to go? She knew where to go. I tried to shove the worries out of my head, telling myself she was going to be fine, and she was.

I stayed for the first lesson. I had Summer with me, it wasn't much fun. For me or for Summer. It is the same gymnastics club we have Kindergym every week. All she wanted to do was to run around onto the sprung floor, play on the trampoline, it was a nightmare keeping her distracted. She gets so excited when we get to the door of the hall, she loves Kindergym.

Our kids will go through their lives with many different tags at the end of their names. At the moment Izzys is Gymnast. While Summers is a bit more adventurous. Summer - Evel Knieval or Summer - base jumper. For the way she stands on the seat of the plastic motorbike or when Izzy pulls the bean bag up to the lounge and it's all giggles as they jump from the lounge into the bean bag. Running and climbing straight back up there and doing it again. 

That kid is fearless, the way she steps off the lounge(or the coffee table) into the bean bag is enough to give her nanna a heart attack(if she saw it)! It's great to see them playing and laughing happily.


  1. Alicia, it's so great that you just let her be her little dare-devil self, even though it's so frightening for you. You are really letting her experience life the way she wants to! Go, Mama!

    1. It is a bit scary to see, but she is fine. When it starts to get a little hairy I just stop it and try to move them on to something else. The laughter from the girls is infectious though.

  2. Gee your girls are gorgeous. I am with you on letting them be themselves no matter how insane it might be. Kids don't see a lounge to sit on its all about riding it like a horse or walking on the top like a balance beam!!

    1. Teaches them imagination and making their own fun too. The added bonus it makes them happy :)

  3. if only we could all be as fearless as kids hey!?!? sounds like they love their activities, and that's fantastic! -Aroha #teamIBOT

    1. Too true. It would be nice to be able to think like a kid all the time. I hope she continues gym, but if the pint comes when she's not enjoying it I won't force her.

  4. Awesome, way to go. Let kids be kids and they will become amazing adults. Found you via #IBOT Have a funtastic week

  5. I think I am going to have to be the same kind of mama with my boy. It is scary but they need the freedom. xxx

  6. It is probably the same feeling as watching your 14MO let go and face plant onto her little couch because she thinks it's fun. Guess it's not going to get any better, hey

  7. Our kids are totally fearless, but it's VERY freaky I must say - especially with my 1.5 year old throwing himself off couches ALL DAY long. Em.

    1. I saw Summer lining up the bare floor from the coffee table and stopped her. Made me laugh though!

  8. I wish I was as flexible as I used to be. I remember doing handstands, climbing trees, we even used to play our own version of 'Gladiators' the tv show (try to knock each other off wheely bins with brooms & mops) LOL Thanks for linking up with Eat.Pray.Love & sharing my button :)

    1. Fantastic memories and fun from childhood. The energy and bravery of my kids baffles me sometimes, I get tired just watching them!

  9. This made me laugh. Mostly because I have an Issy (we use 's' for spelling) and I tried so hard to get her into Kindy gym this year. Sadly, we missed out on a spot. I like the idea of base-jumping at home though!


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