
Friday, August 2, 2019

Myaring Bridge

After the girls netball last weekend we set off over the border into Victoria. We are lucky to live so close that we can go interstate on a Saturday drive, and be home before stumps.

I love how each district in our amazing part of the world has it's own charm and unique features. One of the main things I take notice of is nature; trees, the colour of the dirt, the wildflowers. 

The natural scrub around the Dartmoor area is so romantic, so peaceful and reminds me of days past, when previous generations roamed the countryside. On days out just like ours.

Our first stop was a track by the Glenelg river, a track that led to the old Myaring Bridge.
The bridge was built by Mr Wilson in 1893 for 416 pounds, using redgum and stringybark from the surrounding area. It serviced the nearby Myaring Bridge mine which mined limestone and carbonates. The size of the uprights is astounding, a true feat of engineering back in the day.

We had a bbq in a clearning with the babbling sound of the river and kookaburras laughing amongst themselves, or at us. The girls were amused with their chastising laugh, filling the air with their own laughter. The track was fairly boggy at this time of year(and I can imagine crawling with snakes in summer) and doesn't have much space for a car to turn around further down the track, but from the clearing we parked in, it wasn't far to walk.

Brett brought along his metal detector and pans to try our luck, you never know. We didn't strike it rich, but they had fun as we stopped as several different rivers and creeks in the area. Izzy didn't want to head home, she wanted to stay and explore well into the night I suspect. A camping trip may be on the cards.

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  1. What a lovely place for a BBQ! Love your 'exploring' posts, they always make me want to get out in nature!

  2. That reminds me of what did sometimes as a young family. Getting out and about and just exploring. The photos are amazing. Yes, to the feats of those who added bridges - how DID they do it? The flowing water Thanks for your linky...we sure are linky buddies. Denyse x

  3. I love the close up of the running water photo. It could be a painting. Just lovely. And yes, it's good to get out and see what is out there!

  4. These photos are so beautiful! This looks like an amazing place to go exploring, for sure.



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