
Friday, July 26, 2019

Taking the back roads

Well I've come out the other side of the school holidays intact, but my sanity has taken a beating. Kids are just bloody relentless aren't they?

The last Friday before the holidays begun, I'd been over to Pelican Point setting up the holiday house for visitors. This being the last opportunity to be on my own for a couple of weeks, I decided to take the scenic route home, down Three Chain Road.

I'd driven along this backroad before, but had never noticed the turn off to Lake Bonney, and set off on an adventure along a bumpy little track. 

Lake Bonney is a coastal freshwater lake that spans 23 kilometres and 4 km wide, in the Canunda region.  Truly amazing. It was a popular place in the old days for boating and the like. Due to being polluted it wasn't used for a long time, but these days, the all clear being given the possibility to throw in a kayak is real.

It was a refreshing little drive home for me. Fresh air, and fabulous views of the towering wind farm, sheep grazing on the greenest pastures, and the lake. I love the ranges as I get closer to home, the mounts that surround me like a welcoming hug. There presence on the horizon is so comforting.

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  1. How good is it that you took your camera and stopped. I forget how much I enjoy taking pics and need to do it again. Loved the images. I imagine those wind farms are to help SA continue its power availability. And now school is back maybe you have a bit of breathing space in your day. Denyse x

    1. You would think! This week has been challenging, finally today I feel like I can breathe x

  2. The second last photo with the turbines is so beautiful! I love the holidays - I find the school term unrelenting!! Ha!

  3. I love this and love the pictures but because I'm in navel-gazing mode I immediately thought of it metaphorically not literally - in terms of 'taking the path less travelled' kind of thing. Or taking my time. It's very relevant at the moment so thanks for that reminder.

  4. Great photos from your trip and I'm so happy you made it out the other side of the holidays intact! Joining up today on the suggestion of Denyse :)

  5. You have such spectacular scenery near you! So jealous. I love waterscapes and the beach and feel most at home in these places. Thanks for brightening my dull weathered day! x


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