
Friday, April 5, 2019

I must be having too much fun....

How the hell is it Friday again?! How is it April?!

My poor old garden and house is being sorely neglected right now, and to add to the crazy, Izzy fractured her arm during the week. We spent all day in a&e after she had her xray, to go home with a referral at dinner time. I don't know why the doctor that looked at her xray and sent us to accident and emergency, couldn't have written the referral then and there. It would have saved us waiting six hours in emergency. It sucked watching a days worth of patients go before us in triage.

We are back up the Mount this afternoon for her appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon. That after, not forgetting to mention, I make sure my son gets to his appointment for his monthly jab of medication.

I heard someone say "If you want something done, give it to a busy person".

After the gym club AGM last week I am now club secretary It's been a week and I've hardly been able to look at any of it.

Summer begins her netball experience on Saturday morning. She's been training in Tantanoola in the junior twos. She was SO excited to get her uniform last night.

Come Sunday I will be perched in the local IGA selling Easter raffle tickets for the gym club.

Bring on the end of term next week! I will be up to my neck in planning for Term two in the first week of holidays, then off to New Caledonia on a cruise for the second. Yes please!

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  1. Umm.. that list of yours greeeeewwww. But I know you are one wonderful person and yes, busy as you are, it is getting things done that appeals. Broken bones are not fun. At least I guess it's not swimming season but it sure is a nuisance. Happy weekend... Denyse x

  2. Hope that she will be ok. You are a busy person. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Busy seems to follow busy people...I know that feeling well! I hope Izzy recovers well from her break and may you have THE BEST time on your cruise. It certainly sounds like you deserve it!!!!

  4. OOOOh! Post pictures of Noumea. I really like that part of the world! And if you want something done, don't give it to me....ha!

  5. Yass we were on a Cruise in New Caledonia in January. You'll love it! Soooo relaxing, sounds like just what you need!

  6. I hope Izzy recovers well. Your cruise sounds Great. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Wowsers! I am also cruising to New Caledonia but not until the end of May. Can’t wait to see your pics!


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