
Friday, April 19, 2019

Gratefulness works in mysterious ways

Gratefulness is something I do not do enough of.

There is much that has happened since the start of the year that has been challenging. Amidst all these challenges I have not taken the time to make time for me or my self care. I have soldiered on and the cracks have started to show, big time!

I have thought once I get over this I will take time. But as soon as one challenge is done with another is there to take it's place and I have not had time to breathe.

I did however at the start of the year begin to write a couple of days worth of gratefulness down. I was inspired after reading Osher Gunsbergs' book, Back after the break.

It is actually quite good to go back and read, and quite interesting! Interesting in that I would have never have ever guessed that I would be looking back at my first grateful thing on the 23rd January, and today not having that job.

The gymnastics club I was so excited to become a coach at two years ago is not the same club as it is today. It isn't even the same club that I left for summer holidays at the end of term 4 last year.

The dynamic has changed and over the last term it had become a source of stress and not a great place to work in. I won't go into it, other to say I resigned on the last day of term. It was last Friday. I also got the bloody flu on that day, so the last week I have been suffering. I have been sick and emotional.

In better news, we are currently in Adelaide, set to fly to Sydney for a couple of days and then cruise out of Circular Quay to islands in New Caledonia. What is even better, I can totally relax, knowing I don't have to come back to work. I have new adventures on my horizon to conquer!

Like writing down my gratefulness everyday.

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  1. Yay for the self-care win...and sad a bit for how things unravelled for you with the gymnastics..but love your onward views. Happy Easter and have a wonderful family holiday. Denyse x

  2. Sad about how the gymnastics ended but you will find something even better. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and keep the wonderful positive view.

  3. I am glad that you are focusing on gratitude and self-care now. Sometimes, it is best to leave stressful environments. Life is too short to be miserable at one’s job. I do hope you enjoy your cruise and find lots of opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation.



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