
Monday, November 19, 2018

Exploring Red Rock Bay

We are so lucky to have a such a fabulous natural playground right on our doorstep. Red Rock Bay is a short drive from our holiday house in Pelican Point, where we spent the weekend.

I saw things I have not seen here before and I've been here lots of times! Seals for one thing, and also real live sea urchins. The moving spines on the urchins look like moving appendages, it was mesmerising! I had only seen dead ones washed up on the shore.

Another thing that had us going for a closer look was a rusty Landrover carcass, obviously swallowed by the ocean and then spat out again, after the salty raging sea had taken it's toll. It is amazing the sea has this much force, tumbling  an entire vehicle around in it's belly and coughing it up somewhere else. There's a lot of reef around here that it would have had to be washed over too. It makes me wonder where the owner is now and if they a curious to where there car had washed up.

Written on the back of the Landrover...I think you had a problem!


  1. Replies
    1. I had never seen a seal anywhere near here, so it was a surprise to see five in one little cavern in a huge rock formation.

  2. What a rugged and varied coastline we have in Australia. I love seeing the one closest to you because it is so different to the east coast. How cool to do your own exploring and with the family. Loved this.

    1. We are so lucky it is all so accessible. I wish you could experience it x

  3. It's amazing what the sea turns up on our beaches! I love the seal photo!

    1. I will be seeking the seals out more often in this location now I know they are there. They did let us know, by their growling, otherwise we would have been none the wiser. I guess we got to close. It is amazing what gets washed up, the last thing I would have thought we'd come across was a car!

  4. Oh wow, Alicia, these photos are breathtaking! What a fabulous experience and to have it so nearby! I would visit there frequently and get so inspired! Thanks for sharing.


  5. So much to see and so much beach to explore here! There is always something new to experience :)


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