
Monday, November 12, 2018

And then they were seven and nine

My girls celebrated their birthdays this last weekend. Summer turned seven on Friday, and Isabel nine on Sunday. Geez the last few months have been a blur, how is it November already?

The family got together on Friday for an overdue pizza night at Mum's house. The pizzas that come from her brick oven are amazing. It was so good to catch up with everyone, together. Ate too much.

The girls had friends sleepover and a joint birthday party on Saturday. I had a cupcake decorating station this year and it was a hit. The girls both chose different icecream cakes from Woolies this year, which was less effort for me. No cake baking or late night decorating! #winning

Ate too much, and probably drank too much wine on Saturday night too, which resulted in a three hour nap on Sunday while Brett took the kids to the beach! #winning

Cockles season started on November first, so we drove out to Canunda and dug for cockles, we found heaps. It was a great way to work off some junk food. I didn't cook any up this year, they're all in the freezer to use as fishing bait. The kids had a ball digging for cockles, it's one of our favourite things to do at this time of year.


  1. What a fabulous birthday! I love pippies in XO. I love when they choose an ice cream cake! Too easy! And I have deep envy of the billycart!!

    1. She is getting TOO daring on that billy cart, I should have added the video of her doing skid outs in the driveway!

  2. What fun and doing it twice all the better. Our kids liked icecream cakes too.I am glad you caught up on sleep!! Denyse x

    1. OH I am feeling like I need some more catch up sleep right now. It's been such a whirlwind couple of months.

  3. Fabulous happy pictures. Happy birthday!

  4. I love the idea of a cupcake decorating station! We do a joint a birthday party every year as well for our boys who are two years apart. I am going to keep this in mind! Thanks for the inspiration.


    1. It really was a last minute idea, but the kids loved decorating their own cupcake. Oh wow, how awesome your boys are so close(I hope they don't fight as much as my girls). Isabel celebrated her second birthday in the hospital when her sister was two days old! Hard to believe I was out the next day and shopping in the supermarket with my newborn!

  5. What wonderful photos....and hey. I took a nap yesterday and there wasn't even drinking involved the night before...LOL

    1. I should nap everyday, if only I didn't have so much to do!

  6. Thank you so much for coming along XX


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