
Monday, March 19, 2018


 I know, I know! I was AWOL last week for Open Slather. 

We spent the long weekend at Pelican Point, at the holiday house. Friends came to stay for a couple of nights with their kids. It was fantastic. 

I had no credit on my phone and didn't take my computer, and had nothing prepared or scheduled in advance. Sorry if you turned up here wanting to link up.

A totally different weekend to the one just gone, with the voting and spending four hours yesterday perched at IGA behind a card table flogging raffle tickets for the gymnastic club easter raffle! It's the first time Ive ever done that, and the interraction with the public, even the people watching was so good. I enjoyed every minute. Not to mention the extra funds I raised for the club. 

Life is full right now, and when it not full, it is preparing for the fullness,  or dealing with its aftermath.

It's all good.


  1. Gorgeous photos - that last photo is AMAZING. I like the sentiment of fullness - it doesn't have to be the super fun luxury that brings the fullness, just busy but enjoying the busy. Nice post!

  2. Beautiful photos - Glad to hear your life is full and it's all good. Enjoy!

  3. So good seeing you had a wonderful break last weekend and once I realised it was a public hol in SA I knew you were enjoying life to the FULL!! How great is your life right now. So loved reading this! Happy Monday and week ahead. Denyse x

  4. Oh what an amazing spot! Your images capture it beautifully and it's always so much fun to see kids enjoying family days by the beach like this. It makes me think of my time at the beach with my family. Sigh, so lovely.

  5. I love these gorgeous photos and I'm glad everything is going well!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  6. Enjoy life and all its fullness! Lovely photos and wonderful memories x

  7. I did miss you last week, but I am glad you had a full and wonderful week! Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing with us.


  8. What a full and fun week! Glad you were able to enjoy the break!


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