
Monday, March 5, 2018

Fish O Marsh

My nephew turns 21 today. I always remember the date because of a speech impedement he had as a small child. He told everyone who asked, even those who didn't, his birthday was on the "fish o marsh". In grown up language, that's the fifth of March.

Over the weekend some of his friends and family jumped on a bus at 10 am and cruised the country side, dropping into pubs around the region. I was an awesome day.

When I turned twenty one, I was mother to an almost one year old. I sat in the pub with a couple of my friends with a condom necklace round my neck! Mostly quiet affair. God, I'd love to talk to that girl. I'd love to grab her round the neck and give her a good shake!

We spent 8 hrs either sitting on a bus(and drinking) or drinking in pubs. I faired pretty well I think. Gotta love low alcahol beer. I am not a beer drinker, but on these occasions it's my best friend. Like when I spent 9 hours at the Red Hot Summmer Tour concert. Squeezing in some water is also key!

We had lunch at the Nelson pub. It was awesome and probably the best stop off. We had to leave before most of our songs came on the dukebox though. Devo, laugh out loud. We stopped off at four pubs all together.

We arrived back at my sisters house at 6pm, and the party continued, with speeches and cake. 

Looking fairly put together after a big day!

The girls spent the day with Nanna, and joined us when we got back. 

This is the crazy bugger who was almost one, when I was 21. There was many a shoey during the day, even a thongy. Who knew it was a thing.

The birthday boy on the left

Only this would happen in a small country town, out the front of the pub. 


  1. OMG! Not the shoe! It makes me gag, just looking a the photos. Ricardo has a lot to answer for, if you ask me!! Looks like you had a great day. It's Fish o Marsh today, isn't it?

    1. Yes fish O marsh. He's 21 today. Hopefully he's not as crook as he was yesterday.

  2. This looks like a fun day for all. The last shot of the car burnout looks like my Kia since we skipped an oil change!!

  3. Sounds like you had a fun day and your nephew had a good 21st! I love the story of the naming of Fish o Marsh!


  4. Never seen one drink from a shoe before. Looks like you had a fun day.

  5. Fish O Marsh - so cute! Looks like you all had a great day - the perfect way to celebrate adulthood and coming of age (except for the shoey - they can keep that!)

  6. Looks like it was a great day out! It clearly shows how much I drinking out of a shoe really a thing?!

  7. I wonder how everyone was/is the day(s) after....what a celebration! Wonderful when generations share these too. Happy 21st to your nephew! Denyse x

    1. I reckon the birthday was fairly crook on Sunday. Apparently he could be heard fertilising the lawn in the morning.

  8. Well I can't say that I'd be having fun at that type of party (I hate beer) but it was great to see such a wide age range of people enjoying family and friendship and celebrating a milestone - that's what life is all about isn't it? I linked up too x

  9. Such a fun way to celebrate a milestone birthday! Thank you for sharing the silly photos (although the shoe ones also kind of make me gag! hahaha)!


  10. Looks like fun was had by all! Thanks for hosting. Have a lovely week ahead! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  11. So fun, we do this for a lot of milestone birthdays, too. It must be a country thing. Haha. That said, I've never once, and never will, drink out of a shoe. I'll leave that one to the lads. Happy birthday, nephew.

  12. And a good time was had by all, such a typical Aussie do.
    I love your photos, the burnout is a classic.


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