
Monday, November 6, 2017

The 141st annual Millicent show

Our local show was held over the weekend.

Every year before the show, our Gymnastics Club, where I am a coach, and committee member, pack down our entire gym to hand over the youth hall for the show's indoor exhibitions.

It's been a busy few weeks, as we hold our end of year concert before pack down.

I don't have to tell you, how quickly the end of October/November has rolled around, it has been hectic. Somewhere in between we also squeezed in Halloween.

With all that has been going on, I didn't have time to get together a lot of show entries. I did win a first and second in photography(mind you, I was the only entries for the black and white section of 'people or portraits'). A first for cut flowers, and a first for a bunch of parsley. I like the parsley bit, because there's an old wives tale that says, 'It only grows well in a garden, where the woman is the boss!' I won second for my mixed herbs.My total winnings was $8. It went on a bottle of wine.

Summer did well. Amongst her produce(broad beans, eggs, and parsley) she got a first for her parsley bunch. Her flowers she got firsts in sweet peas, purple flowers, and cut flowers. One of her cut flowers received best exhibition, and she won a sash. I can't remember if she won anything for her white flowers.

She was so elated, telling everyone with so much pride and excitement. The same went for her first, in the honey crackles section.

The icing on the cake was a first, and best exhibit for her chocolate crackles. She was even more amazed and excited. This kid is so full of awe and love for life. Her winnings totalled $22. It's in an envelope in the filing cabinet! She also won a pair of kiddy gardening gloves for her efforts.

I was so proud of her, for her two light blue best exhibit sashes. Her first ever. As we picked up our entries and winnings on Saturday, she danced around with her sashes, carefree. Oh to be five, nearly six again...

What was even more important, we were supporting our local show by entering in the first place. Local shows need entries to keep them going. If not for normal people like us putting in entries for classes such as cooking, produce, photography, art and flowers, there is no show.

You never know your luck!! 

It was a fantastic show. The fireworks display was better than ever and the entire weekend was a credit to the new committee. 


  1. That's so exciting she won the ribbons - congratulations! And I love her halloween outfit!

    1. This was a last minute costume. I'd bought some fake blood the week before and Izzy did the rest, she did her own make up as well!

  2. So much fun and excitement. There’s a lot of community feels where you live and it’s wonderful that you are so involved with your girls. Fantastic news on the ribbons!

  3. Congratulations to Summer with all her amazing wins! How exciting!


  4. Those honey crackles look delicious! I'd give them first prize too!

  5. Congratulations to those in the family who made the Show what it is! I love country-based shows but also loved visiting Sydney's Royal Easter Show. Those who "make" the show are the makers! I have been a show-goer but never an exhibitor since I was three! Lovely post! Took me back to when I was a kid. D xx

  6. looks like you had the best spot to take your fireworks photos from!

    1. These were on Friday night. We never go in on Friday, so we park next to the showgrounds and watch them. I took these with my new phone(a Sony Xperia) and it takes great photos! We go to the show on the Saturday and spend nearly all day there.

  7. I remembered to link up! YAY! Okay, it's not that exciting...

    Looks like an awesome show - congrats on the ribbons! I hope you enjoyed the wine. Fantastic halloween costumes, too!

  8. An amazing effort to get so many entries in and also win some sections,while you had so much going on.

  9. Looks like an awesome country show!! And congrats on your, and your daughters achievements!


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