
Monday, October 30, 2017

Growing broad beans this season? Here's two ways to use them.

I am well aware that broad beans are an acquired taste, and not everyone's cup of tea.

A bit like Brussels sprouts really. Both can be cooked up in the same way. If I had the choice, I'd choose broad beans, hands down.

Broad beans are easy, they are not fussy and easy as to grow.

At the start of Spring, choose a patch (a metre by a metre). Dig it over and sow some seed(about 12-16 seeds). You will soon be rewarded with loads of yummy beans.

1. Broad bean and bacon creamy pasta.

Boil up two cups of pasta shapes( I used curly macaroni here), in the last couple of minutes, add a cup of shelled broad beans. If they are large and older broad beans, you may have to peel the beans (once cooked), as the skins are usually tough and chewy.

While the pasta is cooking, fry off the bacon. Add the garlic and stir, add the cream and simmer for a few minutes until the cream starts to thicken. At this point add salt and pepper.

Add the pasta to the cream mixture, stir through and serve with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese, if liked. One of my girls loves the stuff and won't eat pasta without it. 

2. Broad bean and bacon fry up.

This is one of my favourite broad bean side dishes, as it takes no time and is ready in a flash, and Oh. So. Tasty.

Slice a small onion, a few rashers of bacon and cook them on a medium heat until the onion is soft.
Add two cups of cooked broad beans and stir until combined and the beans have warmed through.


  1. Might switch out the bacon for the vego...

    1. Even try a little feta on top for the vego (if they eat cheese). :)

  2. I'm not even sure I've tried broad beans? The pasta dish looks yummy though!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  3. Yummo alicia! It’s been forever since I have had broad beans. So jelly that you have such a bountiful garden.

    1. Broad beans are one of my faves each year. I just squeeze them anywhere where in the garden where there is room :)

  4. I think I have tried broad beans in a salad but def not a fan of brussel sprouts. I love your food posts because you always make it look so delish! D x

  5. I'm it sure when I last had broad beans. I wonder if it's too late to start growing some now?


  6. In a big to try and get the family to eat more veges, I try and have at least two meals a week that are not meat, chicken or fish and in my hunt for recipes I came across one for burgers, where the patties are made from broad beans. They were really yummy and got the thumbs up from the family. So over the weekend i decided to push my luck and put broad beans in the quiche, which was ok but not as popular as the burgers.

    1. I have had veggie burgers made with broad beans. Yummo.

  7. You just inspired me with some dinner ideas for tonight! Thank you!


  8. Your recipe looks wonderful. Thanks for organizing the link party. Karen

  9. We loved them as kids and called them magic beans. I love your side dish idea, yum!


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