
Monday, May 15, 2017

Sharam cottage, Penola

Summer and I joined Mum for a drive to Penola a couple of weeks ago, to have a look at St Mary's Garden.

After lunch at the bakery in town, she took us to Sharam Cottage. 

Sharam cottage is a National Trust property on Petticoat Lane in Penola. It has been preserved to show how the Sharam family lived in the late nineteenth century.

So interesting to see and read their story, if you get the chance, GO and have a look. 

At the back of the buildings, there's a gorgeous little herb, fruit and veggie garden. Produce is left in a little wooden hut for purchase, and you're free to pick as many herbs as you like for a donation. You'll be greeted by the most friendly ginger cat on your arrival! He's a charmer.

The first four photos are from that day we visited with Mum. I returned last week on my own (I needed a mental health day/drive) and had a better look around and took more photos, as well as getting more herbs and some feijoas!

I'm so glad Mum showed me this, and I cannot believe I hadn't been before!

The internal walls were clad with hessian, then a layer of paper, so that the wallpaper of the day would stick to the wall. No gyprock in those days!


  1. I love the way you take a day out to take photos...curious as to who this family is.Off to google...

    1. The first family to settle in the township of Penola. I needed a day out of the house, the sun was shining, it was good to be out in it.

  2. I love that you can buy herbs for a donation. Cute cat too!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. That cat is adorable and so friendly! It reminded me of one we had as kids.

  3. What a gorgeous place. We have a Nat Trust place very similar, not too far from our home. Beautiful.

    1. Petticoat lane is adorable, it's like stepping back in time, so many old houses still there.

  4. How wonderful that you are finding new places and such a rich source of history too. Yes, the pioneers did it so tough and in weather conditions we complain about too.

    1. It must have been so cold and damp in that house in winter!

  5. Mums sure do know some good spots! I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day x

    1. I hope you did too Em. I was just looking at my pigsty of a house, and thinking I cleaned it on Sunday. Shouldn't have bothered!

  6. the knobs on that crib would have been so handy! lovely photos, as always.

  7. Oh I love historical homes like this! Looks like an amazing place to visit.

  8. I'd love to go there and visit. So serene and gorgeous. x

    1. The street is so peaceful, like stepping back in time. The lane still has redgum gutters lining the street.


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