
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Petticoat lane, Penola

If you read my last post you would realise that last week I took myself for a drive to Penola. I went to Sharam cottage to raid the herb garden, for a donation of course, and to get away from the house for a good part of the day. 

Sharam cottage, on Petticoat lane, is in Penola in the Limestone Coast of South Australia. Penola, is well known, to locals maybe, for it's wool bombing. It adds an awesome charm to the town, and I love it.

I think it's awesome that someone has had the initiative to hang some petticoats on the line out the front of Davidson's cottage too. 

On the way home back to Millicent, I stopped to take a photo of the trees over the road, just before the Kalangadoo turn off. I grew up in Kalangadoo, and it always reminds me of how carefree and wonderful my childhood was. Why do we need to grow up?

I remember driving through this avenue of trees many, many times. The flickering of the sunlight through the trees, as I sat in the car with my four siblings.

Linking with Claire x

and also joining Denyse for #lifethisweek


  1. I LOVE the caps on the fence - so bright and cheerful

  2. How fantastic. It looks so awesomely colourful.

  3. This is so lovely. A visual and kinaesthetic feast. I would have to touch those wooden items!! Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 21/52 and next week's prompt is Hobbies.

  4. How cool is this wool bombing!!! I especially love it on the picket fence!

  5. There are some very creative yarn bombers living there!


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