
Monday, April 3, 2017

Taking the scenic route

We set of yesterday to try and find cockles down at the Canunda National Park. Before we even left home it may have been obvious that we should have just stayed home.

While not much seemed like it was going right, it all ended well in the end. We didn't find cockles, there was a lot of weed on the beach and the sea was an awful brown colour because of it.

Summer was beside herself and crying while we drove along. Something has spooked her about driving on the beach. Brett didn't help matters when he mentioned he didn't want to get stuck because the car would end up in the ocean. Good move Brett....not! She wailed a little louder.

On the way out of the national park, we stopped at the big sandhill. It's no so big as it used to be when I was a kid. I wish the council had never excavated most of the sand away for use somewhere else. What were they thinking?! It's always been a legendary local landmark. Bloody crazy.

We took the scenic route home and come across a patch of belladonna lillies. Summer had stopped crying, but still wouldn't get out of the car. 

Belladonna lillies are also known as Easter lillies, as they flower at this time of year. There were also what looked like freesias and jonquils coming up too, so I will be back again to have a look.

It is common where an old homestead once was, to find remnants of the home garden still coming up every year. Not far from here, there is another site where we've dug up wild garlic. There's a fig tree there too, but I would never walk through the long grass to get to them in a fit. I don't fancy coming across a big arse brown snake!


  1. I looked at your photos before I read the words, and thought it looked like you had a fabulous time! I love sandboarding, so that pic alone was enough to make me smile....the truth is in the details, hey? Have a wonderful holiday and see you in MAy

  2. Beautiful photos! I'm glad she stopped crying in the end. We recently had a shopping trip where my son was grumpy the whole time, it's not fun is it!?

  3. Pity about the long grass and potential brown snakes being between you and the figs!


  4. This looks beautiful. I am jelly! Glad you didn't see a big arse brown snake though!! :D

    1. Getting a little colder for them now, doesnt mean they are not around!

  5. As usual your pictures say a thousand words. You're always reminding me that I need to get out more! Two out of three of my boys are teens, so you can imagine how thrilled they are to go on family outings. On the plus side, I guess they're old enough to stay home!

  6. Wow for the close ups and waaaah for kiddie crying in the car. Oh my. I can see that the sea looked very ugly and pretty angry. This weather everywhere around Oz must have a knock-on effect one way or another. Now I know more about plant names (again!) thanks to you. I guess school hols are coming up soon. NSW ends this week. Vic and Qld are already done for Term 1.

  7. Gorgeous close ups. Love those purple berries and the shells. Looks like they were having great fun on those sand hills!!

  8. Oh those pictures are amazing! Glad Summer stopped crying and it looked like a worthwhile trip after all :)

  9. Nice sceneries especially the seaside looks amazing and while watching this pictures I am willing to jump in the sea to reduce the hotness of summer


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