
Monday, March 27, 2017

Views from the side of the road

I arrived home late last night after a few days in Adelaide. I've been doing the practical (face to face) part of my coach training for Kindergym. I know! Like I don't have enough going on!

Next term I'll be taking two Kindergym sessions on a Thursday. Something completely different, but exciting. A little nerve racking, but after a few sessions, I will settle in. I am supposed to be having a go at leading a group today. Aaargh!!

It was also something different for me to be going away and staying a couple of days, 400 kms from home, ON MY OWN. Just quietly, it was bloody awesome. I think I did OK with the city driving too. I don't get why they are in such a hurry!! I may have upset a couple of them to with my cautious driving, I think they'll get over it....

I did pack my good camera, but didn't use it very much. I took a few photos on the way up and some on the way back.

I was too busy getting there and back again, to stop too much. The trip is pleasantly easier and quicker with no kids! No toilet stops by the side of the road, and definitely no little voices from the back seat asking, "How long until we are there?".


  1. Those shots of the house are lovely. Off to google Cosi's Rhino...what on earth is that about?

  2. My kids used to love Kindergym!


  3. I'm glad you got some me time - well in a sense! You were still working. Great photos!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  4. So glad you have something different to do and that it's about you. Go girl. Have fun today. I loved reading this post and seeing the wonderful photos. Now you KNOW what you need every so recharge. I hope it continues!!

  5. I've been tempted to stop and take pictures too. I love trying to spot squadrons of pelicans in the Coorong. Last time there were several groups of 20-30 flying in formation. I could watch them for hours!
    Good on ya for tackling the city traffic. I always think, they don't know I'm a country bumpkin so too bad if I'm a bit slower than them! Having had my girls in Adelaide since 2009, I had to learn to cope with city driving or I couldn't visit them. Didn't take me long! I love Google Maps!

  6. I recognised the Tailem Bend water tower the second I saw it! I really love seeing your photos, they remind me of childhood trips to South Australia (but I wish I could work out which part of the country you're travelling from to get to the city!)

  7. A road trip without kids sounds bliss! Great Shots!

  8. Gorgeous photos. I want to visit SA and particularly the Hills (a friend lives there)

  9. Gorgeous photos Alicia! What sort of camera do you use? I am lusting after a good one and have no clue whatsoever. I do know the joy of a road trip and a couple of nights away sans children. Lucky you! x

  10. I love reading your post. It just made me realise how I should be writing more personal stuff. Thanks for making me realise that. You captured lovely pictures by the way. xx


  11. I've been trying to link up, but for some reason my laptop likes to be difficult and sometimes won't let me. I'll keep trying...

    Glad you enjoyed your solo trip and aced the driving. Go you! Your images are always so gorgeous and uplifting. Good luck with Kindergym. You will be great.

  12. Such beautiful pictures! Love the ones of the sunset/twilight. Oh and it must have been awesome getting away on your own! :)


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