
Monday, January 2, 2017

I've no time to scratch my arse (but due to my awesomeness I actually do)

Excuse me while I spray the site for crickets, because it's been a bit quiet round here to the past week and a bit. I gave myself a week off Open Slather, and online socialising generally. Quite frankly today, I am real life socialled out, and on the brink of mental exhaustion.

So I got a new lens for christmas. Yesterday husband had a poke (whinge and a jibe, about me putting the old lens back on), because I hadn't used the bloody thing to it's full advantage in the last week.

I was all like, HELLO, I haven't had time to scratch my arse these 'holidays', to even think about it.

Fair enough we went to the beach on new years eve, which was a fab family get together, but did I want to get it out and spend most of my time behind a lens? HELL NO!

I took a couple of photos with my phone and got on with the business of digging for cockles (which totally ruined my newly self-pedicured nails. As if I care!), drinking a couple of wines and eating all the cheese. Plus a lamely cooked hamburger. At least I didn't have to cook it! I know when to keep my sarcastic mouth shut and give kind advice (:D) In the big picture, that has to be a strength, right?! 

Lets get back to 'holidays'. Yes that's right, 'holidays'. 

Like when people say they are on holidays, it means they get a break from their main source of stress, a break from thier work load.

I don't know about you, but my main source of stress, my main source of work load, has to do with-

1. A husband, who likes to sleep in on 'holidays'. He also likes to unload a lot of whinging about just about any subject you could think about. On me. 

I don't care. 


2. Kids, who say "Mum", way too much, when Dad is standing right there, or sleeping in. 


3. A son who has Aspergers, who shits me to tears some days. Worry. 


4. A household, who demands cleaning, washing, cooking, gardening, gathering, general bullshittering.


I need a holiday, away from all these things.

Likelyhood. ZERO!

Thank god someone invented wine, and food. Lots of food.

And wheelbarrows, because I am going to need one to carry my sorry arse after this 'holiday' season.

By the ways, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I have good feelings for 2017. I am actually a big fact optimist you know, and proud of it.

The first thing I did when the clock ticked over into our new year, was spill half my creme de monthe cocktail all over my shoe as a firecracker went off. Scared the beejeesus out of me! Can't be all that bad, starting the year off with a cocktail and firecrackers! I am used to being in bed way before the clock hits midnight on new years eve.

I have been out of sorts today, due to the fact I did not get to bed until 1am, not drunk, I actually drove us all home. I woke at 8am and rose half an hour later with Izzy. 

Please forgive me now for the whining, but husband got up a 11:30 for a shower (to save face), only because someone pulled up in the driveway (Loser. I'm such a bitch). It was just my Mum. 

On the upside, I got to spend more time with my neice yesterday, before she jets off with her new husband to Japan for the next couple of years. An adventure of a lifetime. I sat for a while and watched their wedding photos slide by before my tired eyes. They were gorgeous images which brought back beautiful memories from their October wedding, which just seemed like yesterday. Because October was just yesterday, wasn't it!

And now it's a new year. 

Our christmas tree came down yesterday. In my mood I felt it didn't need to be there anymore. The magic was over, and the reality of normal life had set back in.

The holiday house renting business is in full swing, and off there today to do some cleaning for new tenants tomorrow. 

What was the first thing that happened to you as the new year ticked over? I hope it was as boring as snoring, I would be jealous in fact.

So do you have a word for 2017? I haven't quite worked mine out yet, I know it's going to be something selfish....and I am totally OK with that.

Joining Denyse for Life this week


  1. My New Year's Eve consisted of me running my older three around to all their party's, watching the nine a clock fireworks on tv, falling asleep, waking up to midnight fireworks being let off on my fenceline, the dog going crazy and then doing the 1 and half hour round trip to pick everyone up! I still made it for a beach sunrise, but slept most of the first of Jan!

    1. Sleep. Elusive sleep. You're a good egg to ferry your kids around. Better than them relying on drink driving/drivers I guess. Beach sunrise sounds lovely x

  2. OH I so understand...holidays with family....are just liking being at home! You do sound like you need a break from ALLLLL the people..any chance of a time out for part of a day maybe? I know it's busy time but the refreshment of the mama might be worth it. Glad you are back..where else do we get to say what we need? I know you will use the lens when you are good and ready!! Happy New Year. Denyse xx

    1. I did get some time out while driving to the holiday house, twice! My neice was leaning against the table and it broke, so a second trip to deliver another table for the guests arriving tomorrow was in order. I had a fair bit of alone time today, and driving amongst the scenery and belting out tunes on the radio seemed to invoke some much needed adrenaline.

    2. That's good to know...not about the table of course! Thanks for linking up for #lifethisweek 1/52. D x

  3. Happy New Year. I've felt a bit of stress over the past week or two with visitors (and things got a bit tense several times, with multiple people and generations etc). And then I've been cat-sitting since which has been more of a hassle than expected.

    I kinda just want my life to myself again!

  4. 2017 ticked over with friends and sparklers, perfect combination!

    1. We had family and sparklers on the beach. At the stroke of 11pm, a snap joint decision to head home (20 minutes away), to welcome the new year and fire crackers proved the right one. It was actually good to be up at that time with the hugs and kisses. Still haven't quite caught up though!

  5. I've had a three week break from blogging (so lazy lol). I know what you mean about keeping your mouth shut if hubby is cooking, haha. My husband made dinner for the first time in about a year on the weekend and I was all ANYONE BUT ME in my head, but to his credit it actually tasted good. Happy New Year!

  6. We spent a week in a hot place seeing family. However, on NY day, we decided to travel back up home. The temperature was 33 degrees at 1pm when we left, 4 hours later 2000ft above sea level it was 24 degrees. Hallelujah! I was glad to be home surrounded by rainforest.

    1. It's nice to have that repreive, especially when the hot weather comes on all of a sudden, like it does here, and we're not used to it.

  7. I feel your pain Alicia. I'm comforting myself with the fact I can have a rest when they all head back to school at the end of the month! I saw the new year in watching rage on TV and loving their homage to Prince, George Michael and awesome 80s and 90s tunes! I hope 2017 is awesome for you!!!!

    1. I missed that special on Rage! Sounds like just what I needed! Thanks for the well wishes for 2017. I do have a good feeling, and that's what I am sticking to.

  8. I hear you! So often holidays require a holiday to recover from them.
    I do have to admit my Christmas and New Year were pretty relaxed and I hope that we all pulled enough weight that Mum didn't feel too stressed out. I did do my entire Christmas shop the Friday before Christmas, which actually worked out quite well. I wish I slept in but apparently my body has decided 5:30am is wake up time, no matter when I go to bed (so yes that included after the midnight on New Years).
    I am with you, how an earth did we get to 2017, where is the rest of 2016?
    Happy New Year, all the same. Hopefully you get a chance for some time out to recharge a little. Maybe leave the kids in the hubsters care and run away for some afternoon photography ... yeah wishful thinking I am sure.

  9. The beach sounds really good.. Good post

    1. We had a bbq, played some cricket, looked for cockles and lit a fire as it was getting quite cold as it got dark.
      Thanks for dropping by Joe :)

  10. I was asleep when the new year came around so my first thought on waking was 'Jesus kid really 4.30AM?!!!' :P

  11. I had to laugh at the title of your post! You are indeed awesome. (: My year ended with triple bypass open heart surgery for my 86 year old Mum (which took place on my birthday early in December), so it's been an intense month going through the surgery, intensive care and rehab. I was glad to see the year end, and to be able to look forward to a new one with my beloved Mum still around. I don't drink much (if at all), so I'm always the designated driver for getting people home... I don't mind, but sometimes I think I might start drinking just to have a night off! Happy New Year, Alicia!

  12. I feel your pain Alicia. There's no such thing as a holiday for Mums. I try to get away with some girlfriends at least once a year. I wish it were more, but getting away just once is hard enough! It's only ever for a couple of nights but I tell you it is AMAZING to have a couple of days with no one to answer to and nowhere to be. Do you ever get a chance for this sort of thing? I highly recommend. It is so good for the soul!

  13. Oh, I hear ya regarding wanting a holiday from the holidays! Love having my girls home but gee, it's tiring! We are no longer 2 adults and 2 kids - now it's 2 adults plus 2 adult daughters and a boyfriend. On the plus side, they do cook meals and clean up the kitchen!
    It all comes to an end tomorrow when they head back to Adelaide. Its been a lovely two weeks.
    I took out tree down before New Year and it was so nice to come home from Beachport to a normal house.
    Long may there be cheese and wine - I'm with you on that!

    Cheers - Joolz xx


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