
Monday, December 19, 2016

A quiet visitor in a quiet moment

I made sure I relished in the final days of peace and quiet I had last week, while the girls were attending thier last days of school and kindy, for the year.

I cleaned the house Tuesday, or it could have been Wednesday, which as usual, was a complete waste of time. I'd better get used to the fact it is going to look like a bomb hit it for the next six weeks.

I am looking forward to not having to be up and organised this morning. 

While sitting on the back steps, I noticed a butterfly. It was perched, not moving at all, on my dahlias.

This was one chilled out butterfly. I saw the perfect opportunity to use my camera. So inside I went, and the butterfly just kept doing it's thing. 

I snapped around him, and he didn't care. I gave him a poke on the tail, he opened his wings and kept sitting there. I felt privileged to spend those few minutes with that butterfly. 

I will have to remember that calmness and wonder in the coming weeks. Try to be present, not stress and try to enjoy the crazy. I wish I was that chilled out butterfly.


  1. Trying to channel that butterfly's mood right now!

  2. Those images are glorious!
    I cleaned, only to have my kids and cat destroy it all in a few short hours. I was so proud of myself too! There is no getting on top of things with six!

  3. Gorgeous and relaxing photos. Nature is relaxing when you stop and look.

  4. Wow. I love it when that happens. Earlier this year a butterfly did that for me too. Such a wonderful thing. And noticing the little things (and the big) in nature is my best go-to for mindfulness. Some late afternoons I sit out the back just to watch the antics of the birds in a tree nearby and listen..just listen! Thank you for your bloggy friendships and linky! I will continue mine each week..D xx Happy Holiday Break and Christmas too!

  5. That butterfly definitely looks pretty zen!

  6. I am loving no school - but also loving that hubby is off work now too so I can work in peace and share the parenting chores. Wishing you a happy pre-Christmas lovely xx

    1. Thanks Em. Wishing you and your family a fab christmas too x

  7. Gorgeous Alicia. I'm looking forward to no routine next week, both hubster and I have the week off!

    1. oh nice, enjoy your week of no routine. Have a fab christmas too x

  8. Wow...such amazing pictures! Butterflies are hard to photograph and you've captured it beautifully

    1. Thanks Sanch. I was lucky this one was so laid back and I could really get a good look at him.

  9. Oh I think it's important to recognise or absorb stillness at this time of year. I was feeling a bit frantic about stuff yesterday and went for a late afternoon walk on the beach which I think really helped still my mind a little.

    1. I am looking forward to more walks after dinner, by myself. Hubby is off work tomorrow for 18 days, no early nights for him and he can keep the kids amused while I go out walking.

  10. Definitely trying to focus more on stillness these holidays.


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