
Monday, December 5, 2016

It was the Summer of '89

I had just finished Year 12. My schooling days had come to an end and Mum wasn't letting me rest on my laurels. 
circa 1989 (dork)

She'd lined up a summer job for me in a nearby Southend, a seaside village, and I worked in one of the local delis, across the road from the caravan park. 

I wasn't totally sure about it, being a quite, shy person, a total introvert. It worked out OK.

It's probably everyone's dream job over the summer, and at the time, I probably didn't appreciate how cool it was. 

I remember selling loads of ice creams, and meat pies! It always seemed busy, with local fishermen and holiday makers dropping in.

I can't really remember what I was spending my earnings on. My guess it was probably spend on clothes, makeup, and at the music store in those days! 

My boss was a little old lady, Mrs Campbell. The shop was attached to the front of her house, and I remember sitting at her kitchen table for lunch, several times.

Funnily enough, the owner's of the other shop, at that time, the Crowe's, have been my neighbours in town for years!

Having no car at that stage, I lived in a caravan at my Gran's house. It was pretty awesome.

Gran lived next door to Kasey Chambers' Grandparents (totally unrelated to this story). Kasey was recently back in Southend (where she really grew up) for an interview with Julia Zamiro, for her Home Delivery show. There was much excitement around that Kasey was back in the region. Personally, I was more excited that Julia was!

I really enjoyed that summer. It was the first time I'd lived away from my family and all my brothers and sisters.

Occassionally Gran would take me back to town (Millicent). I made the mistake of sitting in the front passenger seat. This was her dog's seat on her travels. The dog was having none of it and sat on my lap, farting in protest for the entire twenty odd kilometres. Gran thought it was hilarious!

My summer job was over when all the tourists went home. I walked straight into another job, back in Millicent, and worked there until I was six months pregnant with Jake, at 19.

What was your first job? 
Did your Gran have a farting dog?
What were you doing the summer of '89?


  1. My first job after finishing Year 12 and before I started Uni was working at Flints Shoes, which later became Mathers Shoes. I spent quite a lot of my earnings in store as well as we were able to buy shoes at cost price which used to be about half price.

    1. Working in a shoe store would have been cool. Hopefully you didn't have to deal with too many smelly feet though!

  2. What a sweet tale. You were a very young mum!
    In '89 I started the first year of two university stints. I had no idea I would be spending 5 years at uni total. I was a gothic gal and spending my summers and weekends working in a department store. Weirdly, last night I had a dream about the '80's with my friends!

    1. You know deferring uni when I did, and not eventually going, is one of my greatest regrets. I often wonder about how my life would be different had I gone. The 80s were the best!

  3. It's interesting isn't it, to reflect back. I wasn't particularly shy, but I think I was nervous around adults and very respectful, so I think my part-time job helped with that a lot.

  4. Mine was the summer of 87. I was two years ahead of you! I was extremely shy as well. You can read about mine ... I used to salt chickens! LOL.

    1. I worked in a chicken shop for eight years before I had the girls. I could quarter a chicken with my eyes closed, and at lightning speed!

  5. I loved reading this. My daughter did year 12 in 1989 too. I also saw that program with Julia Zemiro and Kasey Chambers! Wow, your first job was both interesting and fun..and like me, you cannot really remember what you spent your earnings on! Thanks for linking up #lifethisweek and having your linky too.

    1. Well, I hope you took notice of the lovely beaches, that where we hang out quite a bit in the summer! My uncle still lives next door to her grandparents in Southend. Gran has moved on to the old folks home in town. Her driving was becoming way too dangerous to drive that twenty kilometres anymore.

  6. My first job was technically helping my mum out with her business. At 6 I used to love counting the till money at the end of each day!

  7. Thankfully no farting dog experiences here! I think my first job was as a Sales Assistant at John Martins, which doesn't even exist anymore!

  8. What lovely memories you have of your Gran (and her dog hehe)and Mrs Campbell.

    In the summer of 89 I was about to start year 12 and would have spent the holidays working my first paid casual shop at a local ice creamery in Tamworth during the Country Music Festival. I served ice creams and hot dogs! No meat pies. I didn't think I'd be able to write a post about it but yours has inspired me. Maybe I will after all. :-)

  9. In the summer of 89/90 I was planning for my wedding in the autumn of 1990 - the day couldn't come fast enough! Can't believe we've now been married coming up for 27 years!!!


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