
Monday, November 28, 2016

Knock Knock

I am not a great joke teller. My tongue tends to trip over itself all the time, I don't have that flow of words, or I am just crap at remembering the lines. I used to start laughing before I finished the joke and had trouble finishing the punch line. It just didn't work.

I admire people, and a couple come to mind, that always have a joke to tell. It's their thing, and I don't know how they remember them all.

I hear a great joke, and ten seconds later, it's gone! Wiped from my memory forever!

We all sat in bed together the other morning, cracking each other up with 'Knock Knock' jokes.

I don't know where Isabel picked it up from, but her go to joke is The Interrupting Cow. She cracks herself up with it, and seems way too pleased after executing it. She actually tells it amazingly well. I am proud. It goes like this -

Knock Knock!

Who's there?

Interrupting Cow.



When I was younger I loved joke books. I remember borrowing just about every book on the shelf, and then annoying the heck out of my family. 

I distinctly remember sitting at the kitchen table, reading jokes from one of those joke books. My mum was pottering in the kitchen, and I must have been driving her bonkers with my jokes.

I am fine delivering them straight from a book, but from the top of my head. No.

I can still appreciate a good joke book, and yes, none of them every stay in my memory, except The Interrupting Cow.

Isabel is quite shy though and wouldn't tell her joke in company over the weekend. Brett and I told it and it wasn't the same. 

We stayed at Casa Pelicano (our holiday house in Pelican Point) over the weekend and had a few visitors drop in. Go away, and we have more visitors than we do at home!

On Saturday arvo, some of them joined us down the beach for some surf fishing. Brett got so excited about the HUGE fish he had on his line, which turned out to be a sting ray. Fair to say we let this one go, but the kids had a ball checking it out and watching it returning to the sea, eventually. 

I could add a sting ray joke in here, but the ones I googled mostly refer to Steve Irwin, and I'm not going there, so here's a lame arse fish joke instead -

What's the difference between a piano and a fish?
You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.

What did the fish say when it swam into a wall?

Where do shellfish go to borrow money?
The prawn broker!

Why did the whale cross the road?
To get to the other tide.

I know, sorry that was more than one...aren't you glad you're not my mother?

Joining in with Denyse this week for #lifethisweek


  1. Replies
    1. The don't show up that well, but the stripes on it where a shiny aqua colour, so pretty. Weird looking eyes though, almost like an alien. I've never seen one that close up before.

  2. I'm not a joke teller either but I appreciate hearing them! thanks for the Monday morning chuckle!

  3. I am terrible at jokes too. I forget the punch lines.
    What an amazing catch! It looks huge?

    1. It looks a lot bigger in that photo, was big enough! Was nearly a metre wide.

  4. That's a HUGE looking ray. I'm impressed!!!

  5. Yikes. I feel that way about stingrays..always think of Steve Irwin.

    About the jokes? You are a card.....and ought to be dealt with. LOL. Ha!

  6. My youngest love jokes! We tell jokes around the dinner table and often one of them has a book hidden on their lap!

  7. I'm not a joke teller either - exactly the same as you, I can't remember them or I laugh before the punchline or I get mixed up in the retelling! The only one I remember is: What car does Tarzan drive? A Mazda tree to tree! It made much more sense in my youth when Mazda 3s were known as 323s!

  8. the interupting cow is a much-loved joke around here! That sting ray must have been amazing to watch heading back for the water, they're one of my favourite sea creatures!

    1. We said goodbye a few times, and the tide brought it back to shore. Was quite funny in the end. It eventually made its way out, with a lot of flapping. The kids loved it!

  9. Jokes are fun when told well. I am also not good at that. But that sting ray looks awesome.

  10. I enjoy a good joke but am hopeless at telling them. My dad tells us jokes at Christmas but they are always lame, ha ha!

    1. There's always a few jokes thrown around the table at our Christmas' too!

  11. I'm really bad at telling jokes as well - even if I have it before me. I think it's because I get excited about it and my words tumble into one another, eager to get to the punchline!

  12. Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek Denyse

    1. Thanks for coming along here as well Denyse. Always love to read your blogs x

  13. I'm going to use two jokes on my yr 4 class about the dam and the tide. Too cute.

    1. I hope they like jokes as much as I did when I was a kid x

  14. The interrupting cow is actually the only joke I know! I have a terrible memory with that stuff.

  15. My son went through the Interrupting Cow phase where he told that joke a lot for about a month straight! To everyone! Hahaaa (it is a good joke though) LOL

  16. Hey Alicia, its been long I am linking here. I don't know if you are bad at narrating jokes but you did a good job writing them. WOW, spotting such a big fish is cool.

  17. I am terrible at jokes too. I forget the punch lines.
    What an amazing catch! It looks huge?
    Take Care of Your Mental Health


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