
Monday, December 19, 2016

A quiet visitor in a quiet moment

I made sure I relished in the final days of peace and quiet I had last week, while the girls were attending thier last days of school and kindy, for the year.

I cleaned the house Tuesday, or it could have been Wednesday, which as usual, was a complete waste of time. I'd better get used to the fact it is going to look like a bomb hit it for the next six weeks.

I am looking forward to not having to be up and organised this morning. 

While sitting on the back steps, I noticed a butterfly. It was perched, not moving at all, on my dahlias.

This was one chilled out butterfly. I saw the perfect opportunity to use my camera. So inside I went, and the butterfly just kept doing it's thing. 

I snapped around him, and he didn't care. I gave him a poke on the tail, he opened his wings and kept sitting there. I felt privileged to spend those few minutes with that butterfly. 

I will have to remember that calmness and wonder in the coming weeks. Try to be present, not stress and try to enjoy the crazy. I wish I was that chilled out butterfly.

Monday, December 12, 2016

An eventful weekend at the Point

We've just spent another weekend at the holiday house. Getting in, before the rush of holiday renters over the busy summer months.

The new artwork I made from wooden slats has been hung, wine drunk and sunset walks on the beach had.

The kids has so much fun looking for seaweed pods and blue bottles to pop on our after dinner walks. 

My highlight was finding fishing worms with my mum and the girls on Saturday at Blackfellows Caves. Awesome bonding time. Mum enjoyed it too, passing down knowledge that her Mum had taught her. We are now expertly advised about how to find the best fishing worms in the region! 

We entertained on the Saturday in our new outdoor space, built by Brett, with some help from family and friends. I stayed out of it mostly, to save argument. If you had ever seen us putting up a tent or an annex on a caravan, it was probably for the best!

I am so happy how it has come together.

I feel like my eyes are hanging out of my head this morning, as Brett did something to his neck and spent a good part of Saturday night in the ER at Mount Gambier. He's all good for now. Thankfully our visitors stayed overnight with the kids. 

A nurse found me a bed to sleep in, and managed to get a couple of hours sleep, missing all the action and drama of a busy weekend night in emergency. Apparently it was colourful. Can I just say that hospital blankets straight from the warmer are absolutely underated, and much appreciated, with a cup of tea at midnight.

Driving home at half past three in the morning, I hit my first roo. Terrible experience, the car survived with out any damage (big bullbar). We almost made it home without hitting one. They were everywhere at that time of the morning. 

It would have been nice to have a less eventful weekend, these things seem to happen right when I don't them to, keeping me on my already tired toes.

Hoping for a quiet lead up to Christmas, I need a break!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Block of chocolate day, block of chocolate day.....

I can always tell when my time of the month is witching it's way around. I am always a little precious, and by nine oclock in the morning, I have usually sat on my bed and had a bit of a sook. 

One of the kids favourite shirts is in the wash, they've said 'Mum' sixty times already,  and they're unconsolable because they've dropped their breakfast on the floor. Give me a fucking break!

Combine this with shopping day and it's not hard to toss a block of dark chocolate into the trolley, just in case. 

Yesterday, that block of Cadbury Old Gold rum and raisin dark chocolate, didn't see the end of the day. Fair enough I gave Summer two squares, she actually liked it, but I ate the rest. I am sure it will put in good stead when I am bleeding like a stuck pig tomorrow. I hope.

If you ask me, every parenting room, and public ladies toilet should have one of those glass 'break in case of emergency' cabinets on the wall, with a glowing block of luscious brown goodness. Publicly funded of course, as part of a new Mental Health Act. With a box of top shelf tampons included. And maybe six million dollars. (Pushing it now).

Like the equivalent of the government Health Care card you qualify for in the birthing unit. 

"Congratulations on the birth of your new baby, here's 18 years supply of wine and chocolate, along with a lifetime membership to the loony assylum. Thank you for populating the nation".

It reminds me of a song my daughter sings, Two banana day. When asked where they heard it, I realise my kids watch way too much You Tube. They reply (like duh!), Big Block Sing Song.

I swap the words out for 'Block of Chocolate day' or 'bottle of wine day'. 

At least they seem to have moved past unveiling surprise eggs and Ollie (ugggghhhh. Don't go there). 

They've found Just Dance clips which is all sorts of gorgeous to watch (mental health restored).

My favourite quip in the mornings, if it's a bad one it's, "I'll be requiring wine tonight!".

I am astounded at my resilience at not buying said wine. By bed time I am scalding myself at the fact I did not buy wine. I really am not an alcoholic. Friday and Saturday may stand up in court to rebuke that.

I will deny everything. They are obviously childless and single.

And just like that, holy shitballs, I have a Tuesday blog post.
#IBOT  been a while!

Monday, December 5, 2016

It was the Summer of '89

I had just finished Year 12. My schooling days had come to an end and Mum wasn't letting me rest on my laurels. 
circa 1989 (dork)

She'd lined up a summer job for me in a nearby Southend, a seaside village, and I worked in one of the local delis, across the road from the caravan park. 

I wasn't totally sure about it, being a quite, shy person, a total introvert. It worked out OK.

It's probably everyone's dream job over the summer, and at the time, I probably didn't appreciate how cool it was. 

I remember selling loads of ice creams, and meat pies! It always seemed busy, with local fishermen and holiday makers dropping in.

I can't really remember what I was spending my earnings on. My guess it was probably spend on clothes, makeup, and at the music store in those days! 

My boss was a little old lady, Mrs Campbell. The shop was attached to the front of her house, and I remember sitting at her kitchen table for lunch, several times.

Funnily enough, the owner's of the other shop, at that time, the Crowe's, have been my neighbours in town for years!

Having no car at that stage, I lived in a caravan at my Gran's house. It was pretty awesome.

Gran lived next door to Kasey Chambers' Grandparents (totally unrelated to this story). Kasey was recently back in Southend (where she really grew up) for an interview with Julia Zamiro, for her Home Delivery show. There was much excitement around that Kasey was back in the region. Personally, I was more excited that Julia was!

I really enjoyed that summer. It was the first time I'd lived away from my family and all my brothers and sisters.

Occassionally Gran would take me back to town (Millicent). I made the mistake of sitting in the front passenger seat. This was her dog's seat on her travels. The dog was having none of it and sat on my lap, farting in protest for the entire twenty odd kilometres. Gran thought it was hilarious!

My summer job was over when all the tourists went home. I walked straight into another job, back in Millicent, and worked there until I was six months pregnant with Jake, at 19.

What was your first job? 
Did your Gran have a farting dog?
What were you doing the summer of '89?