
Monday, October 3, 2016

Time stops for no one

The weeks are flying by. I can hardly keep up. 

It's been an eventful week. Rain, lots of rain. The house in Pelican Point now has a moat around it. Only around the boundary fence, not near the house, thank god. It must have bucketed down there. The lawn is a bit squelchy, we could just about host mud wrestling championships in the front yard. There was still loads of rain last night. God knows what it's like now.

We had no power on Wednedsday night for about 7 hours. Boring! It was snags on the barbeque for dinner and an early night. The supermarkets were a little bare in the cold sections for rest of the week. It gave us all something to talk about anyway.

We've just started school holidays and I was hoping the weather would be better by now. I was looking forward to getting the kids out and about and not be stuck inside for another holidays.

We have a family wedding at the end of this week, that's going to be exciting. Not only because it's at a winery, but we get to travel and we're staying by the beach. It's been a couple of years since our last family wedding. It feels like yesterday.


  1. The weather has been crazy! Our power only went out for a few hours this time,last power outage was nearly three days,which is insane! Have fun at the winery wedding!

    1. It was so lovely. They got married outside in a bit of drizzle in McLaren Vale, just as the bride wanted, and outside wedding. It was a fun weekend x

  2. I heard about that power outage. It would have sucked! :(

    1. It did suck, only because we are first world creatures and not used to it. It did make us wonder what people did with their time in the olden days. OH yeah, they crafted and had loads of children lol!

  3. I wondered how you guys fared. It was a catastrophe in so many ways and I would not have liked to have been someone trapped in a lift that night... Sounds like you did come out of it reasonably well. I was on FB with Jess at Port Lincoln and they sure did it tough with the power outage (along with water shortages etc) for a lot longer. Let's hope lessons are learned. I hope the hols are great and the wedding too!!

    1. Thank you so much for linking up for Life This Week Alicia. x

  4. Most of the school holidays rained in Melbourne. We still managed to have fun. Hope it clears up soon. X

    1. We have similar weather to you guys, only a half to a day earlier. Thankfully getting some sunshine now :)

  5. I hope the weather's on the improve down there. It's windy and overcast here in my part of Qld today but I've been hoping for some rain. This country of ours... it's usually feast or famine isn't it?!

    1. Absolutely. There's still a bit of water laying around in the paddocks, but i noticed today the garden is drying up a bit. I've been watering the veggie patch today!

  6. You're right. Time stops for no one. It definitely hasn't stopped for me. It would be nice to pause it from time to time ...

    1. LIfe is crazy at the moment, so much going on. Trying not to make mountains out of molehills, day at a time stuff.

  7. Enjoy the wedding and the break away! Hopefully the weather will improve by then.

    1. Thakfully the weather is improving, not as quickly as I'd like....the wedding was great though, even though it was drizzling on the day. Claire got married outside, like she wanted, and it was perfect.

  8. Hope the weather improves for your school holidays. Time certainly doesn't wait. Can't believe how the year's flying! Enjoy the time wedding and time away. Sounds perfect.

    1. It was a gorgeous wedding, as they always are. Trying not to get anxious about how fast the end of this year is coming!

  9. Hope you have a fabulous time at the wedding!

  10. Power outages are the pits. We had to get a genset when we operated the dairy. It's still here, but it has come in handy at times. Have a lovely beachy/winery time at the wedding. Thank you for sharing.

    1. There was something in our local newspaper about one of our local dairies and the black out situation. We had a good wedding weekend. Thankyou x

  11. We also have a family wedding coming up, so I have been very busy buying our outfits for it.

  12. It's been a while Alicia. Just seem to miss Monday link ups lately. We've escaped a bit of the rain up here lately but it's still so cool at night but heating up during the day. I can't wait for those warm, balmy nights. Thanks for hosting.

    Anne xx


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