
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Rain, rain, go away

Who could believe it's October. The rain is still pelting down like we were in the middle of winter. The earth is absolutely soaked and I have had enough! I want some toasty warm weather, a little sun, without the biting wind. I am over it!

I am glad daylight saving has started. In my mind, that means warmer, longer days. We can do things like go for after dinner walks.

With some nagging from Isabel, we set off on a stroll to the drain. It's rather full at the moment.

We were down here a few weeks ago catching taddies. They are now in our fish pond. It was blowing a gale, the kids didn't care. They threw rocks in the water and inevitably could not resist getting thier gumoots full of water, after me warning them to be careful not to. Who was I kidding?

Nothing a bath didn't fix when we arrived home at seven o'clock. 


  1. Old winter is certainly hanging on! Oh, those pics of your girls are gorgeous, love the mid air jumps and emptying the gummies! They'd be loving it!

    1. There was no intention of getting all wet, they couldn't resist it! Might as well let them have fun. I made sure they stripped of at the back door before they went inside for a bath :)

  2. Ah, feast or famine isn't it here in Australia? I'm on the Fraser Coast and we had some rain but not too much so it gave my yard and gardens a good water and allowed me to have a day or two inside.

  3. Really annoying but OH SO MUCH FUN MUM! Hot as here right now, 27C. Summer is on the way x

    1. Oh be quiet, I am so envious of your wonderful weather. We are still edging into the 20's, 26 forecast for Saturday! Frost and rain wither side of that though!

  4. Kids and water huh! Hopefully the weather is improving for you!

  5. I am sol glad the girls got to do the splashing thing! My goodness, enough with the water, I agree!!

    1. They had a ball! I was initially against them getting wet and dirty, but seeing they were having so much fun, it's nothing a washing machine and bath wouldn't fix. I do washing anyway!!

  6. That is enough rain for now. So glad our last week has been dry.
    PS I love the cow print gumboots.

    1. We've just realised there is a crack in the cow boot, time for the scrap heap :( Starting to dry up now and we've had a few beautiful spring days. All the flowers and veggies are a little late though, because it's been so cold. It's making choosing what to enter into the show a bit hard, and nerve racking :)


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