
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Spring colour and a favourite view

I love the explosion of colour Spring has brought to my garden. Although there was a bit of colour in winter, most of the time I was hibernating inside and not fully appreciating it. I hate being cold.

There's much more life in the garden right and that even includes me. 

Tomato and zucchini seedlings have been planted, roses fertilised and weeds pulled up. Well most of the weeds. 

Potting mix has been added into old meat trays, with holes poked in the bottom for drainage. Seeds have been planted within, of corn, basil, chilli. Cumin seeds also, just to see what happens. 


bok choy flowers


broad bean


iceland poppy

pink madarense geranium

white madarense geranium


radish flowers

snow pea 


These following photos were taken on my way home from Mount Gambier last Thursday. I just love this view as I drive over the hill, just past the 'Welcome to the Wattle Range Council'sign. 

The fields past this shearing shed are forever changing with the seasons. Right now they are green from a wet winter and Canola paints the landscape with yellow.


  1. How lovely is your garden! And what a gorgeous part of the world you live in.

  2. I'm excited for you and a little sad I've got a long cold winter coming round the bend. Your flowers are so cool, I haven't heard of many of them. I love the photos of the shearing shed, especially the last one. Land like that is always great to gauge the seasons.


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