
Monday, September 19, 2016

a diamond in the rough

The past week has been  rough one. Izzy came home from the weekend away with her Dad with gastro last Sunday and had Monday off school.

I was feeling better with my flu, the cough is still hanging around though.

Thursday I spent a wonderful day on a kindy excursion to Mount Gambier with Summer. It was also my 44th birthday. Like magic, or a diamond amongst the rough, it was most definitely the bestest day of my week. I realise now that Karma must have been smiling at me.

I stopped on the way home to shoot one of my favourite scenes on the drive back home from the Mount, just past the 'Welcome to the Wattle Range Council' sign. It is a picturesque welcome and one I have driven past too many times thinking I should have stopped to take a photo.

Friday I came down with Izzys gastro, it knocked me for six. It was only a 24 hour deal, but I felt like death. I barely moved off the couch, it's a good thing Summer is good at entertaining herself.

Sunday was a good day. I got out in the garden, planting and using some of the stuff I bought with my Bunnings voucher on Thursday, finally.

I am so looking forward to a healthier week, as long as no one else, or me, comes down with anything else! Touch wood!


  1. Fingers crossed for a healthier week for you and your family this week!

  2. Oh such a mixed week for you but oh so glad you are better now. I think early Spring seems to bring more illness than any other time. I am not sure when your school hols are, but NSW stops at the end of this week and Vic and Qld are already on hols. May your week ahead be wonderful. The little vid of pics is cool!

    1. School breaks up on the 30th for us. I am looking forward to it, hopefully the weather will have warmed up a bit by then and the rain has decided to bugger off!

  3. We too had the gastro. Not fun, though I did manage to skip catching it. For some reason your image is not showing for me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Re-commented below. Sorry it looked like it didn't work so I did it again but turned out it was there. haha. Need coffee!!

  5. I hope you are all feeling better and the school holidays are a healthy few weeks!!

  6. Sorry you've been unwell. Hope you managed to have birthday cake anyway! Love the video. Hope this week is much healthier xo

    1. I did have birthday cake, a woolies special thanks to hubby. SIL dropped off a bottle of wine. I was winning.

  7. Gastro's going through our school - I'm hoping we can make it to the holidays untouched!!

    1. There's a few things going around, usually we're pretty lucky. Not this time :(

  8. Yikes - I hope you and Izzy are feeling much better?! It's been through our school too.... although my class seemed to survive better than most and I got through nearly unscathed! September holidays are upon us in Victoria and I have an extra week of long service leave off, so I'm feeling pretty lucky!('Touch wood' as my Mum would say).

  9. Oh no, I hope that nasty bug has left your house! It is hard enough getting through the day while 100% healthy sometimes! Happy Belated 44th birthday!

    1. The gastro bug has left for now, just have to shake this stupid cough.

  10. Hopefully this week leaves you feeling better. Your garden looks so pretty at the moment.


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