
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

ICAD 2016 - Week 5

So far, so good. 

I have made it over half way in this years Index card a day challenge. There was a stage last week when I felt I was slowing down and losing motivation. I got over that and now have found something else in the tank, to fire on. 

I am getting so inspired to create. I've bought some more watercolour paints and paper. If only I had the time to dedicate to all the things I'd like to do. Not enough hours in the day. 

#29 aqua or pool

#30 Trivial pursuit
I used to like this game. Haven't seen in or played it for donkeys (bloody ages).

#31 one hundred
A grid of one hundred different colours of crayons, textas, pencils and gel pens

#32 zodiac
I really like this one. After racking my brain, I came up with twelve houses of the
zodiac. Number six is my house, the Virgo.

#33 magic

#34 Statue of liberty
If she had a day off, I am sure she'd like kite flying. Or maybe just letting her arm down for a rest, maybe I should have painted a glass of wine in her hand instead.

#35 sunflower
I took inspiration from this post I did, on that one time I grew sunflowers successfully


  1. Very creative!
    I had good intentions of doing this, even eventually found index cards but work intervened and I haven't started. Your creations are great.

  2. I love the zodiac one, it's so pretty! I get you on not enough hours in the day!

  3. I love the zodiac one too. Your interpretation of the brief is unique.


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